So I got another hospital bill in the mail today; this one is for $817.00 and is for “physician services”. Umm...I got charged $786.00 for a doctor to see me for 15 minutes? It must be fucking nice to be a fucking ER doctor. The other $31.00 is for my blood oxygen level...shouldn’t making sure I have enough oxygen in my body be worth more than that?? :D Seriously though. If the $786 had been to make sure that I could breathe, I’d have no problem with it.
Also in the mail today, I got information saying that my Tuition Aid Grant was denied for this year because my lazy ass didn’t verify my tax information. I take total responsibilty for that. I haven’t had a chance to get to the post office since the envelope I’m using needs extra postage. I really hope they accept this information late and give me the money that I need to go to school in the fall!! I could take out more in loans, sure, but why not try for free money?
Ferris and I did indeed look at a townhouse development yesterday. *sigh* They were so nice and new and made me want to move on and start that part of my life now - the marriage/mortgage paying/401K having part of my life. Looking at how much was needed for an agreement of sale ($12,000 for the lower-end townhomes) and then the downpayment ($50,000) made me realize how unprepared for that I am. I don’t want to live in an apartment for too long after I get married & get knocked up (hopefully in that order). That means that I need to start working and squirreling away money now so that I’ll be ready for that in a few years. Just thinking about how much money is needed is way depressing.
I’ve been stalking
adayinmylife for months now and I’ve thought about doing one. But then I go through my day, and I think to myself does anyone really want to see this?. The answer I keep coming back to is no, so therefore I haven’t done one yet. There’s also the fact that when I want to do one, I forget to start when I wake up so it doesn’t count. Boo. Maybe I’ll do one this week. We’ll see. It’ll help me get used to using my camera since I still take shit pictures with it.
I’m awfully full of things to say. This never happens. I’ve made an effort to update at least once a day with something of substance, and I’m going to try and stick with that until the end of the month. We’ll see how that goes. I tried to do it in my personal journal and it worked for like a week. Heh.
I’ll be posting pictures from Sunday tomorrow, probably. I’m far too tired and behind on my term paper to worry about resizing and rotating pictures right now. I took pictures of the two townhome models that I liked the best and then of the park that Ferris and I went to. You konw you’re excited. ;)