I really should be studying for an exam right now, but I have a feeling that no matter how much I study for it, I won’t do as well as I want on it. Yes, I do realize that studying will increase my chances of getting the grade that I want. There’s just sooo much information on this exam and I don’t understand 75% of it.
Random fact of the night: armpit sex is also called “bagpiping”. I learned that from watching Talk Sex with Sue Johanson. I really have nothing to say about that.
Ferris and I are almost finished making our vacation plans. Which is a good thing since this time two weeks from now we’ll be flying somewhere over the US! We have most of the hotel reservations made. All we have to do is hear from my friend Lindsey who we’re going to visit in SoCal so we can make reservations there. Ferris still needs to rent the car that we’ll drive there, and then we’ll be all ready to go. We’ve already planned on not sleeping for at least 2 nights there since there’s so much we want to see and do. That’s cool though. Who needs sleep when there’s gambing, drinking, and tourist activities to do?
I’ve spent so much money in the last few days. It’s all stuff that I need so I’m not exactly wasting money. It’s more the fact that I’m spending a lot in such a short amount of time. I won a camera on Ebay - my first win!! It was the third item I bid on (they were all Samsung cameras) and the first one I was near a computer to oubid someone on. I saved about $50 including shipping, which is $50 more I can spend on something else! :D I think I’ll buy
this jacket from Old Navy to wear once the weather starts getting nicer.
I also purchased
this bag in white to use as a carry-on/bookbag, new earbuds for my MP3 player, and some other random little things. I think that’s all the money I can spend (other than approximately $75 for mani/pedi/lunch with Danielle) until after my vacation. I hate seeing so much money in my bank account and not being able to touch it, ug.
Speaking of seeing things and not being able to touch them, I’m off to bed. I was going to make a play for some lovin tonight, but since Ferris went to bed two hours before me, no lovin for him.