I finished the fanart I said I'd draw, Setsuna!
[ooc; Drawn by
It was fun to draw... I like to incorporate colors when I can... so. Most of the other things I've drawn are just pencil sketches. Sometimes I think a pencil sketch looks nicer than an actual painting or drawing. More wispy.. if that makes sense.
Wednesday Setsuna helped me make brownies. It... went a lot better than my first attempt by myself. And he watched Romeo and Juliet with me! I had a very good time. It's a nice movie to watch... but the ending is sad. Maybe they really did end up together in the after-life? .... that must be nice.
I've been thinking about Repliku a lot lately... I miss him. Does anyone know where he is? I know he went on a journey... maybe he's found happiness?
Larxene has been... alarmingly quiet. Did she go somewhere?
Oh! I found this fanart and I thought it was really nicely made... I think it's... paint? It seems that way.
How is everyone?