Things I have learned today

May 19, 2007 00:23

1. My high school has an underground spoofing society. In response to Project Green (the environmentalist club) and Project RED (the over-arcing group for all equality and social rights groups in the school), Project B.L.U.E. is fighting... procrastination.

Some excerpts from their poster (which I have filched and plan to hang on my wall. Possibly framed.):

Did you know...?
Procrastination probably affects many people. In fact, it might even have killed someone somewhere.

No cure in sight...
At least, not in our sight while this was written, but we'll check on that sometime.

Fighting procrastination means we all win. When we get around to it.

Apparently meetings will be held by Mr. Black and the quidditch team on the third floor of my two-story school. Later, though.

2. Salamanders are carnivorous.  They prefer termites over ants because ants contain (furic, I believe) acid and have sharp spurs on the outside of their exoskeleton which make them unpleasant to swallow.   Also, watching a video in Bio class about the mating habits of the animal kingdom is much preferable to watching one of a pigeon dissection.

3. Six Degrees of Wikipedia is addictive.  So far I have looked up Batman and peanut butter and frogs and the Almighty Chandelier (Blessed be Its Bulbs).  I am going to have fun with this.


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