Jan 28, 2007 23:53
Here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle/Random
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
According to my media player, if my life were a movie, the soundtrack would sound like this in these pivotal moments...
Opening Credits:--- Female of the Species // Space
Waking Up:--- It's All Over Now, Baby Blue // Hole Isn't that encouraging?
First Day At School: --- Kiss (When the Sun Don't Shine) // Venga Boys
Falling In Love: --- Happy? // Mudvayne Tear meat from the bone. Tear me from myself. Are you feeling happy now? If that's how I'll feel when falling in love... then no.
Breaking Up:--- Stellar // Incubus How do you do it? Make me feel like I do? How do you do it? It's better than I ever knew. I think this and that last one should be switched (hopefully).
Prom:--- Doesn't Remind Me of Anything // Audioslave
Dance Sequence:--- Regular Guy // Bif Naked
Life's OK:--- Down // Blink 182
Breakdown:--- Paralyzed // Rock Kills Kid Fairly appropriate.
Driving:--- Swallow // Armchair Cynics Can't see the relevance.
Flashback --- Malchik Gay // t.A.t.U.
Getting Back Together:--- Underlined // Crossbreed
Wedding:--- Re: Your Brains // Jonathan Coulton I'm going to marry a zombie? Or will the zombie apocalypse happen during my reception?
Sex Scene:--- Run to the Water // Live
Birth of Child:--- Boys and Girls // Good Charlotte Well, at least I'll know what to expect.
Final Battle:--- One Step Closer // Linkin Park This would work.
Death Scene:--- Bodies // Drowning Pool And so would this. But I was hoping for something more peaceful.
Funeral Song:--- Looks Like They Were Right // Lit Turns out, I'm exactly how your friends thought I would turn out: just another burn-out. What a touching last impression to leave.
End Credits:--- Here it Goes Again // OK Go Um... Let's hear it for unexpected resurrections? Or is the DVD player stuck on 'loop'?
My comments in teal.
Lyrics in red, when added.