How much is football an awesome sport?
(And yes, by football, am referring to all codes excluding Rugby League...because um I'm a equal oppourtunist. Except for League, because I cannot see it's beauty. I'm sure it's there, just not for me. In union they have ballet moves, in AFL they have scrumptious tall men. And I like tall men. Tell me, is
Nathan Brown not hot? Is
Andrew Krakouer not sexy? Is
Mark Coughlan not cute? Okay, so they're not pretty, pretty, but they're footballers dammit! Footballers shouldn't be pretty. They need to be rough, and rugged dammit! And yes, I do go for the Richmond Tigers. It's ingrained into my very soul...I blame my mother.)
Er, but mainly I am referring to soccer, because um, we made it! And, um, it was just such an good game! (How much was I angry with the goalie? ::sigh::)
I think I'm in danger of writing something very close to fluff. It's scaring me, and I need someone to stop me. Please? I may never be the same again.
I just felt like I had to say, the Pince/Filch hints in HBP disturbed me greatly. So much so, that now when I even mention, or think about mentioning Madam Pince in fic, my mind automatically connects her to Filch. This scares me.