Title: Wartime: Players Upon A Stage
quietlibanRating: PG (language, adult themes)
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe is property of JK Rowling and her associated publishers etc. No copyright infringement is intended, no profit is being made.
Summary: There's more than one way to fight a war.
Author's Notes: Intended to be a prequel to
Murder is
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Comments 4
Really enjoyed this, especially all the shifting dynamics between the various players. I think my favourite character was Neville, and the Ron/Hermione bits worked beautifully.
Really enjoyed this, especially all the shifting dynamics between the various players. I think my favourite character was Neville, and the Ron/Hermione bits worked beautifully.
I'm glad this worked for you. I was worried about it because it wasn't working out the way I envisioned but there we go. I'm glad Neville is your favourite since he's kind of the major character here even though technically from the point of view he's not.
Thank you!
Well, firstly, this threw me completely off, didn't expect the complete change in PoV...
You don't know how many PoVs I tried before Hermione just clicked. I think I had a moment. That said I was still worried because um, plot is kind of risky for me. I don't think I've ever really had one. At least not one quite like this.
Thank you again! ♥
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