(no subject)

Jan 01, 2008 16:37

for a while now, i have been thinking of doing a "favorite things" post - sort of like oprah, but without the gifting and the self-righteousness. it's a nice little way to sum up the year that was, which is the sort of thing everyone likes to do round about now. in thinking about what should go on it, i realize that it necessarily skews towards the more recent, mostly because my memory is not so keen, despite crossword puzzles and the like. oh well.

30 rock - i probably should have loved it from the beginning, being the brainchild of perennial girl-crush tina fey. however, it took a while, perhaps because i have an inordinate reluctance to embrace all things baldwin. once I succumbed though, such pleasures it bestowed.

agatha christie - if you read the book post, you know all about this already.

asian horror movies - yes, the japanese ones get all the glory, what with that penchant hollywood had a few years ago for remaking them, but my netflix queue tells me that the korean ones are really where it's at.

the dewey divas and the dude - as mentioned a while ago, this blog by canadian publisher's reps was perhaps my favorite source of book recommendations, round the middle of the year and they are directly responsible for many reading delights. lately the popular kids have taken notice, so good for them. i loved you first though, so won't you consider marrying me and whisking me across the border? It has always been my not-so-secret desire to call the land of the maple leaf home.

feist - you know it's saying something when the ubiquitous playing of "1-2-3-4" on the ipod commercial doesn't make me hate the song. plus, she's canadian, i listened to her a lot whilst riding the train and she sparkles.

jezebel - i am not cool or snarky enough to comment, and i sort of want to hate anything to do with gawker, but i haunt it daily. and the newish feature on "books of our youth" makes me want to forget about the newly published and just read everything i loved before age twelve.

peanut butter - there is a girl who comes into the library almost every day after school. she has culinary aspirations and as such is always telling me about things she has made. often these things are baked, and i in turn mention things that I have made or baked. one day she observed, "i don't like peanut butter. you really do." this was following the conversation about pies we had at thanksgiving and it was sort of an epiphany moment, because i realized, "yes. i really, really do. however could i have forgotten?"

pie - yes, cupcakes continue to get all the glory (and they are tasty; especially red velvet ones from that bakery in forest hills), but really pie is where it's at. and entertainment weekly agrees, so you know it must be true.

pop candy - the blog on usa today makes me feel much more in-the-know than i actually am.

ricky gervais - i knew he was genius and funny, but i didn't realize how much so until the extras dvds came into my living room.

san francisco - i finally visited in the spring. it's as fantastic as i'd heard and i think i love it.

scrabulous - a gimme, seeing as how i talk about it all the time. but is truly an addiction. although i think maybe it's reached a tipping point and my play is suffering as a result. but still.

slings and arrows - you are brilliant! and canadian! and i heart every single person who starred in/wrote for/directed you!

moral of this blog (to steal from my beloved matthew): i should move to canada.
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