Jul 02, 2005 02:08
trying to spend my friday night completely stress free. i have curled up in my home with lydian currently purring on my lap, just as lovely as the first time. the things on my mind right now are of the wait and see if it works out variety...god i hate that variety. will i be able to make it to indy 2 times in a month. (thats right my lil'est brother just qualified for the USA championships in gymnastics...that means hes gonna be competing against the big boys(olympians) august 10th in my hometown *indy* so ima have to see that. my car sucks for gas so this aint commin cheep. further more my landlord needs his face cut...or a good kick in the neck...or something...my house sucks and so me...the lady...the cats...need to get the fuck outta here.stress stress stress. so the search for a second job continues...im actually looking forward to a second job. and knowing that it is a second job. but for now im going back to my origional idea of curling up and reading on a friday night...cuz im a dork...fuck you.....no really.....fuck you.