...sorry i haven't posted in a while.....been going through a lot of thinking and stuff...but know things will be all right...cause she's meant to be...where i'm meant to be i don't know but right now i feel its with her and i will make it happen.....may it be that i have to ride my bike till i can't sweat anymore...may it be that i pay for a cab, plane, train or automobile...like the movie!....i will do it......i miss her though....i ride and ride and ride to get away from my troubles but i know they catch up....i know my worries catch up and i know that time catches up....sucks but i will make things work...cause i know what it's going to be....me and her....i see it...clear as day...right in front of me....teacher and rocker together....
...Holy Crap its been a week since i last updated....a real update...
...ok the Night of Debauchery went off perfectly...and might i say i looked damn fine in my tux....(yes baby i know i'm conceited). ...i met her friend cristie lee (is that right baby?) she's so nice...i like her a lot...i can see why they're such good friends...so i ran around with the two cuties all day...gettin hair done and stuff......my how many trees i saw that day....when i saw her in that dress.....i swear i think my heart stopped....came out of my body and just to see what made my heart stop and my heart's heart stopped...she looked beautiful....when i saw cristie in her dress i was wowed....but when kate came out.....inexplicable...like i said....it was like an audrey hepburn movie...like when u first see audrey hepburn all done up in my fair lady...that moment....her dress was a moment of beauty....
....we got there and it was a nice place...we ate...danced....dinner was actually pretty decent.....walked around the place...i enjoyed the dancing...believe it or not....the slow dancing with her....whenever we slow danced...which i think we slow danced to every song they had....it felt as if it was just us and no one else....i like that....later on in the night we got a little...excited bout the night....
...after that we came back here...and it was an amazing night....i leave it at that...
...been riding my bike like a madman...mostly getting my shape back....been shopping a lot too...i deserve it though i think...goin back tomorrow to get the belt buckle i want...its hotness...check it out: