Jul 30, 2004 01:57
This is the background for the rest of the story. In my CGS2100 (Fundametals of Computers for Business) class last week we had graded skills tests on all the components of the Microsoft Office 2004 Suite: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, and Access. I did fairly well, passed them all with 90+ out of 100, that is except for Powerpoint. I ACED the Powerpoint test, 100 out of 100 possible points.
So that leads to this story. I went to check my grades in that class this afternoon and I see this note:
"The grades for the Office skill tests have been curved. There was a 3 question curve on the Word Skills Test, a a 5 question curve on the Excel skills test, and a 7 question curve on the Access skills test. Skills test grades were capped at 100%. There was no curve on the Powerpoint Test because a student passed with a 100."
I'm that guy that wrecked the curve. Not one of the 200 students in the class got any extra points for their efforts because of me, and I'm pretty sure there were some people that really needed all the points they could get. So if you are one of those students and you're reading this: HAHA.