Dec 22, 2006 18:49
Okay so here's the skinny of my "winter break" so far
*3 days til christmas and my shopping isn't done for ANYONE
*2 days til my parents leave for Korea, which means no mom...Thank God
*1 more day with her, I think I may actually go insane
*completely unsure of when I can work for admissions, tho I'd love to for some extra money
*housesitting and dogsitting til January 14th...then I'm out of this joint
I drove in AWFUL traffic today between 270 and 70 to get to Hagerstown because mom wanted to exchange the shoes she bought for my grandmother...I told her I didn't want to drive, but because she sooooo sick (not really, she's just exaggerating as per usual), I drove and then she made me feel guilty by saying shit like "I'm sooo sorry that I'm making you drive me to make sure your grandmother's get a nice christmas present." As if my intent was to be mean to my grandmothers...I like my grandmothers...they like me, they treat me way nice...well as nice as they can from all the way across the world.
Shopping is gonna be nuts on Christmas Eve...but that's the only time I Grace and I are coming from Dulles after we drop off our parents, so we're making a pit stop at Tyson's Corner. *sigh* Hopefully I can find my sisters something nice. I'll spend Christmas day with them...and hopefully drive down to Cambridge Christmas night to see LJ and all that stuff. I say "hopefully" because just as I plan this...of course the weather calls for rain. Now a week ago, it said sprinkles, then a day later it said Partly Cloudy, then a couple days ago it said showers it says showers 60%...I know I said only Snow and Fog would stop me from going, but this is ridiculous...I'd prefer no natural elements to make my 2.5 hr drive any less pleasant. I'm not all that used to drivin over there...I've only driven there once by myself, but that was from Baltimore,
I'll stop complaining...I just want mom to stop nagging, my parents to have a safe flight to Korea and have fun for the THREE effing weeks they're gone, for nothing bad to happen to the store or to my house or to my sisters, hopefully find some awesome Christmas gifts for my family and select friends (because I'm low on ideas & cash)...and to be able to drive over the damn Bay Bridge to see my man on Christmas night...I don't think that's such an extraordinary request! Okay maybe a little...but some of it's selfless...maybe? Shh, let me believe what I can.
I wish I could get a hug from LJ...but I'll think I'll stuff my face with spaghetti and meatballs instead...*shrugs* food comforts me too...