so tell me...
if you were an English major who's been keeping a journal for 20 years or so but never written anything of, uh, substance, which continuing ed class (which will all probably turn out to be shit anyway) would you recommend taking?
-'write like a pro'
-'crafting your short fiction'
-'write your life story'
i know, i know. they all sound stoopid. but it's cheap and i need assignments.
i presume the kind of writing i could likely segue into would be creative non-fiction-LIKE. i never took any fiction writing, so i don't know if i'd be any good at it. i was never like a story-teller or anything. i mostly just tell stories that really happened.
they have a workshop but it's a beginner's workshop and i fear what i might run into there. i am the first to say i suck, but i kinda think it's better to surround yourself with people operating at a higher frequency than lower. kwim?
so to all you writer and class-taking types, let me know what you think.
tracijean and
nancydrewmfa, i'm looking at YOU!