you are everything i want, cause you are everything im not.

Apr 30, 2006 06:05

Another rec for ya'll! This is a really great fic. It's complex and interesting and HOT and mmmm. Well written. Really good. AND its amnesia fic!!! Who doesn't love that????? There are totally not enough amnesia fics in the SPN fandom! And its LONG. Four parts. Around 25000 words. You have no idea how long I've been craving a long porny plotty SPN fic. This is only R so its not TOTALLY porny, but its still rilly rilly hot. yes.

Memories of Me by gillianinoz (Sam/Dean, R)

A few more rec's while I'm at it and bored and avoiding my smutbox graphics. (SHUSHSHHH)

What's that in Metric? by babyofthegroup and dopplegl for smutbox. (WB RPS OT4, NC17) This is funny and hot and omg its so AWESOME. *loves* It makes me squeeeee, cuz its the four boys who kind of started my RPS obsession all over again. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Deviant Behavior by storydivagirl and magickly for smutbox. (WB RPS, R) Super clever and funny and sexy as ALL get out. Seriously, some really clever fic here. I loved it to PIECES. And mmmm j2. Cant go wrong!

Duck Tape and Destiny by estrella30 and obsessedmuch for smutbox. (CRACKFIC, R) Oh god. This. This amazing piece of fiction is utter CRACK. Of the highest order and finest grade. Seriously. This is some good shit. Some of the most hilarious and ridiculous I've read. I love it SO MUCH.

a little superstitious now by estrella30 for stone_princess's birthday. (Sam/Dean, NC17). Its just. Unnnngh. It's bodyswap and its funny and hawt and sexy and ooooh. I love it sosososososo much. Nan just ROCKS the house.

give or take the subject or the verb by joyfulgirl41 for stone_princess's birthday. (Sam/Dean, Adult) MMMMMM. Another bodyswap (HOW glad am I that that's what jacyn wanted most? SO GLAD!) and oooh this one is so AWESOME. It's like, futurefic and the aspect of the bodyswitching is wicked cool in that parts of the people linger in their own body's so that Sam and Dean are like a mix of each other. Is SO GOOD and really really hot. YES. Mmmm.


so um. my suny card. is like missing. and i haven't used it since yesterday and i was almost CERTAIN i brought it back from the vending machines. o.o PROBLEM. this would be the second time i've lost it, if it is indeed lost. NOT GOOD.


yaye! new taking back sunday cd, louder now. i've not listened to anything but the single thats released (make damn sure) yet, but im sure i'll like it. hopefully its good. i mean i know i'll like it but i know that it could be worse than previous cds and i'd still like it. i have low standards like THAT. *beams* (um is there like, anyone interested in me uploading it for ya'll????)

*crickets chirp*


so i watched the clips i'd downloaded of season 6 dawsons creek with jensen in them. and now um. im kind of interested in seeing what went on during the clips i didn't have? *HEADDESK* i will NEVER EVER LEARN.


apparently kripke's not only set us up for a cliffhanger, its THREE cliffhangers, or rather three different things that are not resolved when the episode ends, and are um. URGENT. (SHUT UP IM A DICTIONARY FOR THE SLOW, OKAY?)

mayhap this means a separate cliffy for each winchester? OH NOES WHAT WILL I DO????? (seriously im like flipping out already)


i kind of. um. started stalking talking with poisontaster this weekend. shes really cool!!!! hee. and now i can poke her for porn even MORE often, instead of just in comments!!! *innocents* (my halo is 100% platinum, DONT GIVE ME THAT LOOK!!) *shines it*


so i am going to crash in a few minutes and then when i get up im gonna bite the bullet and FINISH my manip.

remind me next time nan has a challenge going to not say yes just because i get caught up in her twirling and puking, MMKAY??? i have issues with deadlines. and its not fair cuz um brynwulf didn't ASK to be put with a schizo like me. *hand flails* im so BAD at challenges. for serious.

*grumbles* and its not like we got an extension like the highwaymiles people did. *pouts*

um meg just email me kick me in the ass. or something. i am A BAD PARTNER. woe.


so um, just for review, keep an eye on the smutbox community, since the deadline is today and a lot of RPS will be coming out of there soon (hopefully). Just think! Jensen, and Jared! Mayhem and Chris! Tommy and Mikey!!!! OH JOY!!!!

music, smutbox, recs, supernatural, rps, potsdam, fic, fandom, writing, flist, squee

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