and you drift off, to wake up.

Feb 26, 2006 03:10

So I watched the Speed Skating tonight and YAYE Apolo got his gold. And they got the Bronze in the relay through sheer determination, lemme tell you. They lead for a while though, but you know. S.Korea. Such a SHOWOFF. Lol nah I'm just playing.

And then I went online and was watching old Olympic performances on you FUN STUFF lemme tell you. Jamie and David from Salt Lake as well as Timothy Goebel, who sadly isnt skating anymore, and then oooh Phillipe Candeloro from Nagano (I saw him in person, the man is AMAZING OMG). A bunch of other stuff too. Things from past Olympics I saw but didnt tape, so I never get a chance to rewatch you know? And alas my vcr this year was fighting me so I still didn't have any of it taped.

But yeah that's what I did tonight. Along with some more font collecting. LJ is so dead tonight, I obviously need a life just so I don't sit here and watch it NEVER update. Ugh.

For some reason I'm all depressed about my writing now and I don't know why but I honestly wanted to curl up into a ball. It's weird. I'm just kind of pissy and upset and not HAPPY at all. Even more so than usual.

Yaye less than 2 days til Shadows. Wooo hoo!

Also if you're a member of super_icontest and or ghosthuntersinc you should go VOTE, omg I wanna win, LOL. Or if you're not and you're a Supernatural fan, then MOVE YOUR ASS, join and then vote. Duh. I need an ego boost. (See if you hadn't noticed I tend to place my self worth on the opinions of others; its one of my failings)

At some point in time I will post the update about last weekend, which seems rather pointless now, but I've got it half finished sitting on here under the private lock until I'm done. I suppose I should finish it in all its depressingness.

I've decided I want to learn to skate. Like really skate. Obviously not anything serious, just you know, backwards and cross overs (I DID SOME LAST THURS, it was so COOL) and maybe a spin or two. I just...I dunno. I like it and I have fun and I'm all into it again thanks to the 'lympics.

So yeah. Whatever. Ugh I obviously need to put my head in a dryer or something. (I have no idea what I mean)


olympians, icontests, iconic, personal

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