just for the record the weather today is slightly sarcastic...

Jan 30, 2006 11:27

DUDE. Amanda printed things all night long for her sorority and zomg I had the printing noise IN MY DREAMS.

It was weird.

I am sort of pissed off because my extra USB ports aren't working properly. My Dell only came with 2 of its own (though it likes to tell me I have six) and one of them is permanently used by my harddrive, and the other by the USB Port Hub, which has four. Only the connection is shoddy or something so my wireless mouse doesnt work half the time and printing jobs get cut out on. And we won't even get into the scanner and the disk that wasnt or the digital camera and the pictures that never came.

So whenever I need to print I have to unplug my wireless mouse, which I put in the Hub's place since its a little bitch. It's not a big deal, but DUDE. I would so love to be able to print something without having to worry about fiddling with my cables. So yeah. I'm just kinda venting, I dont think theres anything I can change about it. Gotta new ink cartridge finally though, which is nice.

w00t, Porn Sunday recs:

The ladies were busy! *fans* And so were the boys ;)

stone_princess's Break to Keep Fixing. S/D/F (NC17) Follow up to her mindblowing White Noise in Black Room Dust. Just. Guh. Buffy crossover in that Faith comes, but you know, its mostly about the porn. Just....god. I can't even say. The thought of that threesome just melts my brain.

joyfulgirl41's The Rules Remain a Mystery. S/D (NC17) Just. Wow. She pulled off something I never thought you could pull of, and she did it with STYLE. Angst and hot yumminess and one evil succubus.

estrella30's Six Degrees. Jsquared. (NC17) UST. Hot as Hell. Snarky boys. Oh tee four. What more do you need? (Okay so this was posted this morning, but you know, its porn sunday in spirit)

You really should read them. But uh...probably not at work or school. ;D

And now metaphysics homework calls. ugh.

rant, recs, jensen/jared, supernatural, rps, slash, personal, potsdam, s/d, random

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