Supernatural 01x11 Scarecrow (squueeee post)

Jan 11, 2006 16:44

So yeah. The hiatus? Was just about worth it to get this episode.

ZOMG the brother angst. And love. Angst and love.

This episode is? The One With The Phones.

- John's emotionalimhappytotalktoyouandimsorryyourgirlisdeadbutyouhavetodoasyourtold!call

- Dean's not!call (with bonus contact list, WTF Dean? CARMELITA????)

- Sam's not!call (ditto)

- emotionalinfotradingandappologizingandomgmaniloveandadmireyouanddammitimproudsogoodbye!call

- zomgmybrotherisnotansweringhisphone!call

Yis. Lot's of phone molestation by our boys. So nice.

And? Daddy W? YOU HAVE REDEEMED YOURSELF. Annoyed with you am I not. Well not much anyway. You could tell your boys just a bit more so they have some idea whats going on, but protecting them is a GOOD THING. I'm guessing that this thing is connected to Sam (and probably Dean) and that the closer they are to it, the more danger they are in. Possibly even the more powerful it is.

But ho boy, twas a bad idea to order Sammy around like a soldier. He is not Dean. You forgot how to deal with him didnt you? (or maybe you never knew that, tis a possibility, he is a PUZZLE) He is so much like you it HURTS, and you can't deal with yourself obviously. No wonder Dean has so many issues, being a go-between for you two.

Dean honey? YOU BROKE MY HEART when you took the phone, and were all worried for daddy, and then you snapped up like a little soldier and did as told. Come on hun, be your own man. (BTW Sam? Knuckle biting??? LOVE) However, you finally told Sam some of what you were feeling, so that is of the GOOD. He is indeed a selfish bastard. He is a selfish little bastard and you are jealous of that arent you? Because you've never dared to be selfish enough to do what you and only you wanted. So you hate and admire him for that. Also? Props for being strong and telling him you were going to leave his ass. And Sammy baby? THANK YOU for saying that about Jess and revenge. Dean can't possibly know how you feel (unless there is something we don't know ^^), and while he feels some need for revenge, his is not that of revenge for a mate, but for a parent. Tis a whole different ballgame and he needs to know that. Saying that much however, OH the look on Dean's face. *cuddles him* It needed to be said but did you have to be so MEAN about it Sammy?? When Sammy said he didn't care a second time (about Daddy W's orders), it was like love. THE WAY HE SAID IT. Jared you own my soul, sometimes the way you say things! Nnngh. Dean I love how you can look like you do have not one clue as to why Sam is saying what he is, when you so totally DO. Sam? I think you quoted yourself from the asylum. OUCH.

And still. The end of that scene? When Dean says. "Goodbye Sam." OH THE PAIN. Boysboysboysboys. You cannot SPLIT UP. PAIN.

Notice Dean was the first one to halfway call. You know he needs Sam. He knows it. But he won't admit it. Stubborn boy, I love you liek WHOA. (Does anyone else want to know what the picture of Sam that Dean has on his phone looks like???? Wonder if it's 12yr old Sammy) Teeee heeee. Dean you get so thrown off when someone catches your bluff. You should plagiarize names that are less likely to be recognized.

Sam Sam Sam. YOU ARE SO FUCKING NAIVE. She just popped up out of no where, all alone, hitchhiking. Dude how are all your supernatural feelers not tingling??? She LOOKS evol and skanky. And then she goes with "Shady van guy" instead of you. BIG CLUE. Most girls would not do that, unless they were damn sure they could protect themselves. I love you, you know I do. BUT OMG oblivious.

This town is soooo picturesque. It would totally creep me out. It looks like it belongs in Disneyworld or something. So Dean, love, when you were driving, WHY OH WHY were you surprised that your EMF meter was going wacky? You looked liked you had no clue what it was! At the first beep I was like, EMF! What's up with YOU?? Also, it is not a good idea to face the back while driving, mmkay?

So the first part with the couple and the orchard at night freaked me out. That was one SCARY mother (especially when it lifted its head while on the pole. meep). And when Dean goes during the day? Orchard still creepy, scarecrow still shiver inducing. Uck. But anyway, I loved how they filmed this scene. Looking down at Dean, over the scarecrows shoulder and all? Wicked. However nothing tickled me more than what Dean said. Total truth, and only he could say that without seeming completely idiotic (he sounded merely half idiotic) too bad Sam wasn't there to razz on him. Dean dean dean, you fearless boy. Getting up in that things face....urgh I couldnt. And yaye let's play with the scythe and touch the stolen skin. *shiver* (Looking into that things eyeless and patched face was FREAKY)

I liked this week's girl. Emily. She was nice. And not totally helpless nor drooling all over mah boys. You know, sometimes I wonder how Dean got people to talk to him without Sam. He comes off creepy when he fishes for info. Not like creepy!creepy, just weirdo!creepy. He's almost smooth with Emily, just like he's talking...but really, why would he bother asking about vehicles?? Or even the owner of the orchard. Dork. He's so obvious.

I loved the snarky bus ticket lady. "There is, buy a car." *sporfle* What Sam, you didn't think this would be EASY did you? (Jared. WHY is your hair swept across your forehead like that?? Jensen's hair is shorter and neat, and yours looks like a hair helmet. What are those makeup people THINKING?) And here we are to Sam's halfway call. He get's much closer, him being more able to reach out to Dean, than Dean is able to reach out to him. Sometimes. Kinda. (Okay they're both awful at it.) Of course Demonspawn had to speak up and give you an escape. Bitch. (I didn't like her when she played Brass's daughter on CSI, and I don't like her NOW. She looks like a skanky hoe which, in fact, she WAS on CSI) And here we have more evidence of your innocence (or STUPIDITY, what ever we call it) Sam, dear. She's there before you, doesn't have the ride any more, has not a MARK on her, and she says she uh..."cut him loose." HELLO. EVOL MURDERESS HERE. WAKE UP SAM. And before she was all bitchy and wouldn't talk to you, and now shes all interested and slinking around you like a cat and flirting. (I bet she called her Daddy, realized Sammy was THAT Sammy, and was told to go and watch him) Sam you are too too TOO trusting. However, you are totally adorable with that grin and head tip. Oh yes you know, the one where you tip your head down and look up through your bangs even though your taller than EVERYONE, and smile. Yes thats the one that melts me into goo. (Also, is she May, or Meg?? I can't tell whenever they say her name)

I almost want to try the pie, though not at the expense of my life, thanks. The scene with the couple? Priceless. Dean's just gotten used to having Sammy do the sweet talking, and now he has to do all the work again. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he actually laments not having Sam's puppydog face there to persuade them. Like they didn't think him strange enough. But oh his face! You miss your Sam, don't you hun?? *huggles* Tee hee, they CHASED HIM out of town! His police escort was with full on lights and sirens. HEE.

Sam. I love you. Forever and a day. BUT GET A CLUE. Do you really think it's just a coincidence that she's on her own for almost the exact same reason you are?????? She plucked those thoughts right out of your head and fit them into a story that was created to REEL YOU IN LIKE A FISH. And you buy it hook line and sinker. No wonder John and Dean didn't want you to go, they were scared as fuck that two minutes out the door you'd be dead; how did you possibly survive four years without them????

ZOOM. I need a new word. I've over used love, it does not express what I feel properly. But yes, I love the way the Impala sounds. NO car made after the 70s sounds that good. Go Dean go. (You are getting sloppy people, we know you shoot in Vancouver but come on, at least get rid of the CN on the train thats SO FREAKING OBVIOUS) I have to question the sanity of these people. I would NEVER in a million years go into that orchard at night. I don't care if it looked like there was help in there or not. FUCKING SCARY. Ahem. Anyway, Dean. You must have my babies, you and Sam have all of my babies, but you especially right now because you were shooting with one hand. SO FUCKING HOT, my head exploded. Guh. Also? I love how you just tell the guy to not ask. You never are very patient with the idiots you save, are you? At least the male ones. (I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the god can't leave the orchard. just a guess. ;P)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Now this, is my most favoritest scene. This makes me love JA and JP even more because they BOTH hit the emotions sososo perfectly. Jenny especially because he is just the KING of facial expressions and emotion laden tones. Jared has improved SO MUCH. Sosososo good (Sam's wonder at Dean letting go, Dean admitting he admires him and is proud). The LOVE that radiates through the entire conversation is PERFECT. The silences where they don't say something actually say just as much as when they DO. ZOMG this scene makes my ovaries quiver. Lovelovelove. I'm going to go with Dean as the one who broke down and called, using the excuse of talking over the whole scarecrow thing.

I will transcribe, I love it that much:

Sam: The scarecrow climbed off its cross?
Dean: Yeah I'm telling you, Birkitsville, Indiana, fun town.
Sam: It didn't kill the couple, did it?
Dean: No. I can cope without you, you know.
Sam: So something must be animating it. A spirit.
Dean: Nah, its more than a spirit, it's a god. A pagan god anyway.
Sam: What makes you say that?
Dean: The annual cycle of its killings. And the fact that the victims are always a man and a woman, like some kind of fertility rite. And you should see the locals. The way they treated this couple. Fattening them up like a Christmas turkey.
Sam: The last meal. Given to sacrificial victims.
Dean: Yeah I'm thinking a ritual sacrifice to appease some pagan god.
Sam: So a god possesses the scarecrow...
Dean: ...the scarecrow takes its sacrifice. And for another year the crops won't wilt and disease wont spread.
Sam: You know which god you're dealing with?
Dean: No, not yet.
Sam: Well you figure out what it is you can figure out a way to kill it.
Dean: I know. I'm actually on my way to a local community college, I got an appointment with a professor. You know...since I don't have my trusty, sidekick, geekboy to do all the research.
Sam: *light laugh* You know, if you're hinting you need my help...just ask.
Dean:I'm not hinting anything. *pause* Actually. Ah...heh. *clears throat* I want you to know...I mean, don't...think...
Sam: Yeah. I'm sorry too.
Dean: Sam? You were right. You gotta do your own thing, you know, live your own life.
Sam: Are you serious?
Dean: You've always known what you want. And you go after it. Stand up to dad...and you always have. Hell. I wish I... Anyway. I admire that about you. I'm proud of you Sammy.
Sam: I don't even know what to say.
Dean: Say you'll take care of yourself.
Sam: I will.
Dean: Call me when you find dad.
Sam: Okay. Bye Dean.
*both hang up, looking sad, lost*
DemonspawnMeg/May: Who was that?
Sam: *quiet, shaky* My brother.
DemonspawnMeg/May: What'd he say?
Sam: Goodbye.

So you see? Yis. Love like no other, these two. I'm kind of glad for the break up. Because Dean would have never been able to tell Sam those things to his face. Ever. The phone is the only way they can have a halfway serious conversation with each other, as Dean proves later in the ep. This is also what saves Dean and Emily's lives. Because if Dean hadn't said those things, told Sam he was right, that he should do what he was doing...then Sam wouldn't have gone back. Letting him do his own thing was the ONLY way to make him come back. Because as selfish as Sam can be, when he's not being blinded by righteous anger, he's smart. And he knows Dean needs him and he needs Dean.

Yis. Love. Now, to carry on...

Okay, the thing I love about this scene is how Dean is all gung ho about it, and the professor looks like Dean needs to be committed. Which might be true, but you know...And then they have this little plot hole, about how the cop knew to come and get Dean. We assume that the professor is from the town and tipped him off, with the creepy looks and all, but I'd have liked some confirmation, thanks. And okay, OUCH. Cuz the butt of that shotgun, right to the eyesocket area? Had to hurt like a bitch. But it gave us bruised Dean, and a nice little stomach glimpse. Mmm.

These locals crack me up. They're talking about sacrifice for the towns sake and all that. How it's so hard. BULL SHIT. If they were sacrificing their own lives, then okay, you can act like that. No, instead you're deciding that these two kids should be put to death, for some APPLES.

So when they open up the thing and put Emily in the shed, I love how Dean is putting it all together in his mind. You can see his surprise at first of Emily being there, and then he knows why. LOVE YOU JENSEN. He was like WTF are you DOING? Only you know, with his eyes and expression.

Heee. I love this scene too. Sammy, sitting there, making the decision to go back. Now honestly? Three hours isn't that long. Even for Dean and Sam on a job. Sammy wants to go back. As much as he wants to get revenge, he wants to be with his brother more. Meg (I think it is) the bitch, says everything just right, and if not for that phonecall, Sammy probably would have been convinced and gone on to CA. But he wasn't cuz there was. "He's my family." And I love him. Lol okay, you KNOW that's what was there that he didn't say. Don't try to deny it. SO HAHAHA to you skanky demonspawn. I kind of expected them to show some proof she was evol when they zoomed in. Made her eyes go black or red or something. Guess I've watched too much Charmed lol.

Emily, you are kind of naive. I mean how DID you think the town was prospering? And apparently the older folk could hear the screams of the dieing couples. How come you didnt? I'm not saying she's lying, I'm just saying it doesn't really fit. Dean? You win at life. Just so you know. Oohr. This part again bugs me. All their self righteous talk of sacrifice. Idiots. I kept saying, well then YOU TWO sacrifice yourselfs, if you love her that much (which is what they did in the end. sorta ^^) Lol I love that Dean says he is 'working' on a plan, when he is obviously planless and kind of panicky. And that he won't admit to that ever...But he was looking pretty freaked when they heard Sam's footsteps and thought it was the scarecrow. He's like, gotta get free gotta get free! And then, YAYE he says he's happy to see him, point blank. I love those life/death situations, it makes Dean spit out things normally he'd hold in. And Sammy. SAMMY MY BOY. "How'd you get here?" "I uh...stole a car." (he sounds so unsure of himself) "Ahahha! That's my boy!" Dean love, he is indeed your boy, and thank you for telling us ALL. HEE. And then...what scarecrow? THAT is a scary sentence, lemme tell you. I'd have freaked out. Deandeandean. YOU ROCK. I don't know how Jensen handles half of his script with it being that awesomely ridiculous.

Okay, so the locals, are just IDIOTS. Did they really think that they were safe in the orchard? Why would the scarecrow differentiate???? Plus, it prolly went after the older couple because there'd be less fight in them. SO STUPID. And I love how everyone scatters. Everyone for themselves indeed. Man that hook through the chest? I knew it was coming and it still made me jump. Ick. And then it sliced right into the ankle to drag him away! URGH. Lol and I am again reminded why I usually never EVER watch horror. But I liked the shot at the end scene, with the three of them. I don't know why. Triangle effect. Sammy is tallest then Dean then Emily. SHUSH it appeals to my need for symmetry and balance OKAY?

Now, I loved this episode with the fire of a billion burning suns...but dude. How anticlimatic is it to just wander in and burn the tree the next day with no trouble at all? Yeah. Come on people. You'd have problems on your hands if you didn't have two amazing actors as your leads. They shouldn't be expected to carry the whole damn episode on emotional connections alone. Give us good drama and horror, mmkay? I mean, would a live tree like that even BURN? Its green'd smoke forever.

There is something about that jacket of Sam's that I love. I makes him look his height. Or something. You put him and Dean together and they don't look as tall as they realy are. Maybe it's the high collar. Anyway. I likes it, yis. I usually try to not put any wincesty things in my rewview stuff. But uh...EYEFUCK. While they're watching the tree. Sam looks at Dean and Dean looks back and yeaaaaah. Uh huh. It spoke volumes. Heat from more than just the tree.

You know what else makes Dean the winnah? HE STILL WOULD LET SAM GO. He offers to drop him off somewhere. Sam came back, saved him, and still Dean would let him go if he wanted to. THAT IS LOVE PEOPLE. Unconditional, you're my brother and I want you to be happy, so I'll suffer, love. *huggles both boys* Here watch:

Dean: So. Can I drop you off somewhere?
Sam: No, I think you're stuck with me.
Dean: What made you change your mind?
Sam: I didn't, I still wanna find dad. And you're still a pain in the ass. But Jess and mom...they're both gone. Dad is god knows where. You and me. We're all that's left. So uh...if we're going to see this through, we're gonna do it together.
Dean: Hold me Sam. That was beautiful *he puts his hand on the juncture of Sams neck and shoulder, and Sam brushes it off* *Dean laughs*
Sam: You should be kissing my ass. You were dead meat dude.
Dean: Yeah right. I had a plan, I'd have gotten out.
Sam: Right.

LOVE. Man, what Sammy said? I swear to god is like straight from some fanfics I've read, even bits like what I've written myself. ITS LIKE THE WRITERS TOOK REQUESTS FROM US. I love it. Dean, the smart ass, was obviously touched by what Sam said, even though he couldn't let himself show it. Snark and smirks, he hides behind them like the best armor.

I love my boys. THERE ARE NO WORDS.

However, I did not like that they ended with Demonspawn. I mean I liked that scene, just not there. I don't think it would've fit anywhere else (though maybe after the orchard and before they torched the tree) but yeah, didn't like it there. I liked that they showed us his slit throat. You never get to see it usually. Is it wrong or weird to like that???? Lol. And the demon angle? Doesn't bother me. I kind of expected them to go this way. I mean Sam's sorta psychic, the boys are a magnet for supernatural trouble, SOMETHING bad killed Mary and Jess. And in the preview? The boys are apparently CHOSEN (poor Sam, he freaks over this, you can tell). So this did not bother me. I wonder who her father is though? The Celine demon? Some higher up demon??

Who knows.

But you know what? I want Faith. NOW. No waiting plz. We had 7 weeks of NO SN, you couldn't give us a twofer?????

Ohhh Deandeandean. I don't want you to be hurted. And I don't want to be spoiled! Seriously, I'd like to be surprised when I watch the ep. Unlike some people I know. *eyes most of flist* Yeah you know who you are. (YOURE WEAK!)

So Scarecrow? DAMN GOOD EP.

Must also mention, Dean you have the best and worst lines ever in the history of everything. "Yahtze." "Scotty you've got a smile that could light up a room, anybody every tell you that?" "Dude, you fugly." "You know my brother could give you this puppydog look, and you'd just buy right into it." "Sacrifice us. Which is, I don't know, classier I guess." "Hope your apple pie is freakin WORTH IT!!" "Let's just shag ass before leatherface shows up." "Hold me Sam. That was beautiful."

Love to the nth, I'm telling you.

ETA: Must make this clear, Dean you are wonderful and smart and you rock. I do not think less of you for listening to daddy, I know you are trained to do what he says, soldier boy. I love you for it. I just wish you and Sammy understood each other better. Yis. I think that says it.

HOLEY SHIT. I need to learn to express myself in less words. Something.


sam, supernatural, jared, s/d, review, jensen, tv, dean, squee

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