oh a reccing we will go, a reccing we will go...

Jan 04, 2006 23:54

Ok so recently a bunch of Jensen/Jared RPS has been floating around (affectionately titled J-squared or Padackles) and so this has brought up talks of RPS in general in the SN fandom.

So apparently it's kind of not as accepted as most other forms of fiction. It bothers or squicks some people. Lol lucky for me my actual induction into slash itself was with RPS. Olympic swimmers mostly. Heee. Lol honestly, how can you look at 8 toned bodies in the pool and not entertain ideas is beyond me. ;)

So anyway I just thought I should rec some of it to my Flist, since some of the writing to come out of these is PHENOMENAL. Hot and good and funny and sexy and really totally believable.

First is winterlive. Dude, she owns me. Like you have no idea how good this stuff is that she is writing. It's SO real. And hot and slow and perfect and I just can't think of enough things to say here to make you understand. Just. READ. You have to.

Storm Coming On (Prologue + 4/4) Complete (NC17) [Prologue is Jensen/Chris Kane (Lindsay on Angel) and the first part also has Jensen/Chris, but it is J-squared to the core]

Other amazing fics by winterlive:

Sincerity (R-NC17) (Jensen/Jared/Tom/Michael) Incomplete (at least one more part) - Drunken drugged foursome. Need I say ANY more?????

Mistakes (NC17) (Jensen/Jared) There is a bit of het, but really, you can hardly notice it. Just...confusion and anger and HOT HOT HOT.


I'm pretty sure stone_princess either wrote the first Padackles I read or recc'd it. Either way, she's up next, brilliant thing that she is. *is looking over links* Okay yes she did write the first J/J RPS I read. :D

Postbarfightalleysnoggingfic and it's sequel Postalleysnoggingbackatmyplacefic. (NC17) This is all based on the bar fight Jensen and Jared had in Vancouver that led to Jared's hand being broken. It burns you. Read and love.

How Do You Like Your Love (More More More). (NC17) This just blew my mind. Pissy and sometimes blushing Jensen, dominant and demanding Jared and hot hot hot sex. Plus MR cameos via cell phone. It is just sinful how good this fic is.


Must not forget estrella30 who just sparkles like her name suggests (dude I'm getting really CORNY with this thing).

Just Another Friday Night. (NC17) J/J with a side of teh lovely TW/MR. Mmm so slow and sneaky and yummy and perfect and all other adjectives like them.

Jared Knows Jensen. (NC17) Mewl. From Jared's point of view and there something so perfect and needy and gah I loved it and you need to read it so you can love it too.

Untitled. (Hard R) Written for oxoniensis's comment porn challenge. Hot and dirty in a bathroom, in 4300 words or less. Bless her porn writing heart.


And then there is storydivagirl, who writes J/J like she was born to.

The Others (R) Mmmmm cute and yummy with a twinge of Jealous!Jared and Uncomfortable!Jensen. Cameo by Christian Kane.

Enduring the Quiet. (R) Introspective Jared with some nice making out. It makes a point of showing the things that could make J/J weird. Very nice.

The Hollywood Party. (R) Antisocial Jensen and cocky Jared. Plus public kisses! So good.

The Charity Event (R) Yummy meeting in the bathroom, flashbacks, and coffee. What more do you need?


Other amazing fics:

South of the Border by scribblinlenore. (NC17) Mmmm. The boys on vacation in Mexico. Dominant and pissy Jared and lots and lots of tequila. Very very hot.

Untold by _cee. (R) Just...genius. Unsure Jared and wicked Jen. GOOD GOD she says so much with so little.

Sugar, We're Going Down by lyra_wing. (NC17) Oh so good and slow and HOT. I love Lyra's stuff like you wouldn't believe. This turns me to a puddle of goo every time.

Hiatus by maidazia. (R) This has been recc'd like you wouldnt believe, its that good. Just think of Jared's greasy hot photoshoot, and then add Jensen into the mix. Yeah. Run and read now.

Sharing is Caring by likeasunburn. (NC17) A very nice hot little take on the boys as they shoot the Pilot. mmmmmmm. (Many thanks to sylph_ironlight for the heads up)

Nipples and Cock. But Jensen's Not Gay by cadi_b. (NC17) Fucking amazing. A party, completely trashed Jared and some hot as hell sex in a trailer. You just don't know. You have to read it. Go now!

Brotherly Bonds by saidrifter. (PG) Totally cute, love the dynamic between them, and Jensens thoughts.

And of course there are the RPS communities, padacklesrps and super_real.

recs, jensen/jared, supernatural, rps, jared, slash, s/d, review, jensen, flist

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