and let december glow in flames.

Sep 29, 2008 06:13

seriously, my Jared sim is the one sim that RULES THEM ALL. he is awesome. he somehow keeps becoming AWARE of himself, like sims aren't supposed to, and then wanting to be friends with himself. and then i have to carefully go into simPE and fix him before he explodes. and this time he somehow ended up with the memory that he FELL IN LOVE with HIMSELF. and then also had the memory, 'had 2 loves!' like its a good thing! poor Jensen. so i had to go erase that, and the gossip about it as well, since clearly the only sim Jared is allowed to love is Jensen (we won't talk about the time i accidentally made him in love with Paige from charmed. I FIXED IT OKAY?)

in other sim related news, my Sam Winchester sim comes in a close second to the crazy, somehow believing that this crazy mascot sim who flirted with DEAN, had cheated on SAM. and they both (Sam and the mascot) had memories of being cheated on and getting caught. so i had to go fix that! they'd never even MET, so i don't know how it got all screwed with. god seriously, i know you love Dean but take a pill! if it'd gone down right, Sam should have had the memory that Dean did the cheating, which isn't fair since he rejected the flirt, but whatever, sims are uber jealous. He still managed to be furious with Dean and drop a ton of relationship points. *eyeroll*

so i ordered a new ipod, since my trusty refurbished one died a couple of months ago (not long after a friend of my sisters SAT on my tuner and broke it - bad time for my music!) and its supposed to be coming tomorrow. i got one of the new 16 gig nanos, and its being shipped to Tom's house for reasons that are um, monetary? :D and anyway, the JERK (yes tom, i mean you) KNEW it was coming, and today he's like, yeah well I'm suddenly going to a show Monday night so you'll have to come over a different day. *throws things at him* mind you on THURSDAY there was no show. :P I've been looking FORWARD TO IT DAMMIT.

i really wanted an itouch, but i just couldn't justify it to myself, especially since I'm going to WINCON BABY, woo!

so, also thanks Tom, i am currently hooked on Fall Out Boy's new single, I Don't Care. its VERY catchy.

so um, i kind of didn't go to sleep last night? and i have work @ 8. AHAHAA. this will be fun.

so the new season of spn? is kind of amazing. its got my icon juices flowing again, which i find AMAZING. *points at user icon* that's a new one right there. and i am in the middle of putting together a new layout. :) funfun.

gen, sims2, supernatural, personal, ipod mine, iconic, wincon3, random, squee

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