SPN [04x02] - Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester.

Sep 26, 2008 00:42


This season is going to be SO fucking amazing I can't even SAY. They are hitting it out of the park, ALL of them, and OH MY GOD I haven't been this excited about SPN in FOREVER.

*twirls and twirls and twirls*

And let me say that I am SO FREAKING IN LOVE WITH DEAN right now, its PATHETIC. (and Jensen. but that is a given.)

Most of the time I divide my love equally between the boys, and sometimes I skew a bit towards Sam, but this season Dean is PWNING me and omg I love it. *loves him and squeeze him and hold him FOREVER*

But let me tell you, I am already so over Sam not telling this HUGE IMPORTANT thing to Dean. for SERIOUS. And omg what's up with Ruby turning tail? Last season's Ruby was not this much of a chicken. I miss Katie Cassidy liek whoa. If that's all they're gonna do with Ruby then WHY THE FUCK did they bother with her anyway. Seriously.

So these witnesses were AWESOME, not only are they super!ghosts, but they're not really evil per say, they're pissed off victims (and hi i want to know the story behind the twin girls! I kept expecting them to call him uncle bobby or something), and I loved how much you could see it rip up the boys and Bobby. WEEE HENDRIKSEN, RONALD!!!!!! (And also, hi I'd like to point out that they ONCE AGAIN split up, nearly to their ruin, WHAT THE HELL, why will they never LEARN?)

And hi, yes, this is me adoring the fact that Meg called out Sam for hanging out with Ruby-the girl-riding-demon. \o/ Cuz dude that's one of MY majors issues with Sam right now. He's like an accessory to rape! And I didn't like Sam clearly not caring all that much about it. Here's hoping it was because he knew he needed to waste her and not because his moral compass was blown to bits since Dean died.

CASTIEL. HI, HI ANGEL BABY. See I wasn't sure if I was gonna like you, cuz you were very soft spoken (and um, you seemed a little pansy-ish) even though you gave off this aura of badassery and you weren't telling dean like it is, and he needs that sometimes so, OMG I AM SO GLAD you were back to set him straight. (Cuz you FELT like a ruthless warrior of god last episode, but you didn't act like it, so please, keep to your strengths!)

Castiel was super hot and um I kinda had THOUGHTS (very sinful thoughts, come to think) and I've NEVER slashed Dean with anyone but SAM, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!

*bounces* *repeatedly*

Is it 10/2 yet?? huhuhuh? I want a new episode. Though um, I'm not liking the idea of no Sam next week or very little of him, since it seems to be an angels (and their chew-toys) only trip back in time? Hrrmph.

review, sam, dean, tv, supernatural, squee

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