i'll tear in two and never lie to you.

Apr 08, 2007 21:53

i had the awesomest dinner. philly steak, mushrooms and swiss cheese on subrolls. me and my mom made it. SO YUMMY.

HAPPY EASTER you guys! i hope everyone had a nice day.

on thursday, winterlive gave me an 'S' in the alphabet meme. and i totally had forgotten about it until now. so i will do that!

Leave a comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you like starting with that letter. Post them in your journal and give out new letters to your commenters in turn. NO TAGBACKS ALLOWED, unless a commenter specifically requests to be given a letter!

so. S!

1. Sam Winchester. what CAN'T i say about this boy? i love his character to pieces. how hes the little brother and such a brat and SUCH a good guy. and how much he loves his brother. *draws hearts*

2. Supernatural. this show, beyond being awesome and entertaining, has brought me some of the BEST friends i could ever ask for, and I am so grateful. I have had fandoms before SPN but man, this fandom OWNS me like NO OTHER.

3. Sirius Black. he was tied with Remus as my favorite adult character in HP. i loved how he was introduced, and i loved how important he became to harry and i HATED that he died. he never pretended to be anything other than what he was, and he was still all kinds of awesome.

4. Slash. i still actually cant believe the complete turn around i had on the position of slash. comes with geting older i guess. i dont know why i love it. i just do. a lot. it appeals to me greatly. for some unknown reason i guess.

5. Sarcasm. people can say all they want about how sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and all, but omg i would not survive without sarcasm. and you know, maybe it makes me a bit of a bastard (perhaps like dear Dr. House) but i just dont CARE. i love to use sarcasm. it makes me feel better. ;D

6. Star Wars. probably one of the only movies i can remember watching with my dad that we both enjoyed, the original three will always have a special place in my heart. its just a damn good story. and i dont even mind the later three, simply because i like knowing as much as i CAN about a story. :D

7. Stories. i adore stories. being told, or reading or watching one unfold is something i will NEVER tire of. im sure it stems from me wanting to escape my life and jump into another persons. stories help me do that. they take me away. /corny. but really, whats NOT to love?

8. Yolande _______. you will just have to TRUST me when i say that her last name starts with an S. she is my best girl, ive known her since first grade, we've been bff since 7th. this is a long running thing. shes there when i need her, whether its to hit me in the back of the head or to make me feel better. i love her to DEATH. she will most definitely be like an aunt to my kids. if i ever have any. :D

9. Sleeping. dude. i just. i dont know. the older i get, the more i LOVE to sleep. seriously, its like half the time thats all i WANT to be doing. waking up and knowing that you can roll over and snuggle in and sleep more? the BEST FEELING omg.

10. Science Fiction. one of my FAVORITE genres, because not only is the story taking you somewhere, its taking you usually to someplace you cant EVER go in this world. magic or demons or aliens or SOMETHING. i cant get enough of it. :D

phew. im sure ive got a lot of other S things i love, but on the spot like that, its kinda tough. :D

so im thinking about getting a new car, and if i DO this looks to be the one im gonna get. its a 2005 chevy cavalier with 30000 miles for just over 9thou. not too bad a deal. and its in ORANGE. and i have been WANTING this car since i bought my corsica, back in 04. *itches* ive gotta think about it though, and whether i want to work more or go back to school or work and go to school part time. depends on how i want to spend the money i have, you know?

why cant i just win the LOTTO?

my car, meme

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