yeah. me too.

Mar 18, 2007 01:23

sometimes, i forget how awesome fandom is, and how much i love it. and then i REMEMBER. and then i gleefully roll around in it.

so. show of hands, who's going to WinCon? *raises both*


*makes icons of hotass Jensen*

i need a new layout/headers. its been a LONGASS time for me to have kept the same one (okay so its FIVE, but whatever). okay i put up the five cycling headers in JUNE PEOPLE. JUNE. thats nine whole MONTHS.



so work was horrible for a long time. and then, then it got BETTER. basically because i was working with an idiot who could not remember things nor properly alphabetize. and just so you know, when filing? THATS IMPORTANT. but then they hired her for a front desk job and got me a temp, who is SO good. we break even like, EVERY DAY. its amazing. but anyway the girl who is stupid actually quit on friday. she might be coming back, but yeah its definitely not just me IMAGINING her stupidity. whatever, shes not MY problem anymore, thank GOD.

and so lately ive been playing the sims again. i have jared and jensen, who are married and live in a townhouse with their twins, Ross and Mackenzie (omg i know, SO original!). They also have a cat named Cypher. And currently their greatest wants are to have another baby, and teach the twins to walk, talk and be potty trained. its SO sweet its almost sickening. but i love it.

Here, is a little glance into their lives:

singing karaoke at their wedding

the i do's

wedding night!

satisfied boys. ;)

yes i made jensen the mommy, OKAY?

awww babies!


and a close up of jared. he didnt turn out too badly...but i cant believe i dont have one of jen. hmmm.

and if you'll excuse me, i think ill go play some more. those boys DO have that want of another baby, after all. ;D

rant, sims2, polls, graphics, rps, wincon2, work, life

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