there's just a few things i think that you should know.

Jul 28, 2006 19:54

okay. so apparently im not allowed to leave EVER again. i went camping and when i came back i needed to go 800 entries back to find some id read and omg im STILL not caught up. *headdesk*

i have two firefox windows open with about 30 tabs each, one is to read, one is to comment. *bangs head harder*


my subdomain is down. all of my graphics are down. my gallery acts like it does not exist. meaning that this week when i FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY made icons for some challenges (its been months people), NO ONE CAN SEE THEM. and since the voting has started and i didn't know until i got some time to actually LOOK at livejournal i cant give alternative links.

*anguish* seriously, WHYYYYYYY??? i was proud of my icons, my icons were cute and funny and appealing and full of JENSEN. *cries*

obviously the world hates me.

*curls up*

icontests, rant, jensen, flist

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