thought i was lost but i was stranded.

Jul 10, 2006 03:00

been a total SLUG all weekend. as in barely got dressed or ate or anything.

but! yolande called tonight at 1020 or so and we went over to the quad and talked and snacked and threw tennis balls for maxx and mebbe smoked. mebbe. and that was good. and then we went to dominos and got cinna stix and cheesy bread. which was yummy. we ate it in her kitchen and talked about life and how i have a tendency to shift all attention away from myself and to never ever talk about me. which is true, but i do it because i never do anything interesting or have anything interesting to say. which she disagrees with so we argued over that for a while and in the end she told me i needed to write more.

lol yeah there was more in between there but you really dont need all the details. bff talk and all that.


so i dont think i mentioned it here because im spazzy but yolande had kind of invited me to go with her and tom to visit her dad (and also NYC) for a couple of days in mid july (kind of, meaning she said something about tom never going anywhere but the Village, me saying id never been at all, and her saying, well then come with us). but anyway her step mom is flailing about tom having a penis so yolande thinks she cant risk another guest so no nyc for me. which is probably better cuz i really cant afford to miss work at all. still kinda bummed tho.

but her mom HAS offered to take us all there and do NYC up right at some point in time. because catherine is AWESOME like that.


in other news, PT is finally going to join the online world again, PRAISE ALLAH!!!!!!! \o/!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know HOW i ever survived not whining at/bugging her every night. REALLY.

speaking of that!! OMG MONA!!! how LONG was your shower anyways?????? cuz you kind of disappeared miss. i think you might have lost cool points!!! ;D


so while i was doing my imitation of a slug i came across a tutorial on how to color b & w pictures and so um. i colored jensen. from the muller shoot. and now i have lots of pretty jenny in color and with textures and stuff. it was fun! come look!!

this is the original of course.

and this is the before and after (where i think it looks most realistic)

and then these? are me playing around. a lot.



well??? whatcha think?????



okay so this week, should i work on my amnesia fic ive been half ignoring, start the cliche/kink fic thats due the 24th or keep drawing sammy in my sketchbook? let me KNOW ;)

night lovelies, i have work in the morning...

friends, jensen, polls, writing, graphics, personal

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