so we can dream.

May 26, 2006 05:32

okay. so i very rarely talk about the movies i watch, cuz im not at all hard to please. its like. if i enjoyed it, if it made me happy, then YAYE MOVIE. even if everyone else thinks its CRAP. and i LOVE LOVE LOVE superhero movies. im a sucker for them. so tonight i went to the midnight opening of X3 The Last Stand with Tom and his brother Jared (hee) and his fellow geeks friends. and i expected to like it, but i didn't expect much OF it. you know?

that being said.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. i dont think i've ever enjoyed going to the movies more. just. omg WOW. it blew my brain. the theatre erupted in clapping at least THREE times during the movie. everyone was loving it.

if you like action at all, and/or science fiction, you HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE. (i KNOW there will be people who hate it. i do. but omg. this movie is RILLY RILLY GOOD!)

X3 is ♥

*NEED X3 icons STAT*


jensen and jared have an interview up on E!Online here. and its just. OMG. *flaps* jared is still SO HUNGOVER omg. and jen is so CUTE and when jen crosses his arms jared does the same and i just. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

jen rags on sv and gg. and mikey pops in to compliment them on there being so buff and such. its SO PERFECT. see cuz its making CANON the easy way they interact and play off each other. *heart ASPLODES*

and my point is, there absolutely NEEDS to be some amazing soul who can capture this and SHARE IT WITH US. i need to see this over and over and over again, without so many pauses and skips and what not.

j2 is my OTP. boys with ch names may come and go but jensen and jared will ALWAYS BE THERE, together. *nods a lot*

um. i might be overtired. yeah. *halo twinkles*


STILL must nominate. o.O


did i ever show you guys the manip i did for stone_princess's birthday????? im not sure. anyway, its here.

and NO i have no reason at all to post this. NONE AT ALL. um nominations do not ENTER the equation. really. *is pathetic*


okay i am OFF TO BED. i am SO tired its insane. droooopy eyes.

jensen, movies, graphics, xmen, jared

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