so we could talk about it.

May 25, 2006 04:25

*note to self*

self, you have MUCH nominating to do before sunday.

(current Nominee List at the Lawrence Awards here)

and um. if you haven't nominated take a look because i did and i went OMG theres A MILLION other fics i need to nominate (AND OMG I CAN ONLY DO SO MANY MYSELF)!! seriously, i want to nominate way more than i will be able to. that i KNOW. *nodnod*

it is very important yes!!!! DOOO EEETTTTTTTTTTT!

lesson for today: SISTERS ARE ANNOYING. and give you colds in the spring.

*is living among piles of used tissues and SNEEZING and COUGHING* BLEH. (also a messy room but its not MY fault i have nowhere to put my clothes. *halo*

also. HI PEOPLE. i have random things to say and other stuff to talk about and just like. MENTION. but NOT now because i am sick and tired and should be in bed. well. im in bed but i should be sleeping here and not sitting with my laptop. *nodnod*

ALSO OMG erin (poisontaster) finished the next bit of her post Devil's Trap fic series thingy and its almost 19000 words long and now mona (mona1347) has it for beta (you dont really need sleep RIGHT?) and OMG I WANT TO READ IT SO BADLY. *salivates*

and i have a question for you all. do i come across as friendly and bubbly? o.O cuz someone said i did and its just. im like the LEAST bubbly person i know. seriously. o.O i guess im friendly. maybe. *spazzes*

anyway, later lovelies!

pointless, fandom, fic, random

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