Inner thoughts from the outer edge

Feb 14, 2008 12:02

Driving in this morning to drop off the Wife, I began to think about how we feel the cold and how it effects our mood. Twenty-nine degrees in December is mind-numbing temperature, something that bites at your soul and tells you that Old Man Winter is knocking on the door and he's here to sell you misery. Twenty-nine degrees in the middle of February tells you that you've almost rebuked that salesman of arctic discomfort and that green grass and leaves on the trees are right around the corner. Twenty-nine in late winter is almost thirty, and thirty is almost to the point that the snow will begin to melt in large scale. If we can make it through only a couple of more weeks, then forty will be a possibility, and then you can imagine the warm sun shining on your skin and bringing joy to your soul again. Warm breezes, short sleeves and fresh-cut grass is in our future if we have but the patience to outlast our accursed visitor from the North.

The Communists, I mean Democrats, down in Des Moines are hard at work today, doing their level best to remove civil liberties quickly from the list of thing we expect here in clean living, hard working Iowa. Tobacco is the Demon Rum of the early 21st century, and as such, those who think that they know best for everyone else are doing their dog-gonedest to make sure that no one can smoke where some repugnant hag of an activist might have her nose assaulted. The Surgeon General has had his warning on the side of a pack of smokes for nearly fifty years now, and as such anyone who starts to smoke these days knows what they're getting in to. Yet the great outcry now is based on the shaky science of second-hand smoking. Just being in my presence will give you cancer, yo. Castigating a significant portion of the population is bad and immoral if you do it based on the color of their skin, yet if we choose to partake in an activity that is none of your damned business, then we can be shunned, shuffled off to places out of sight, punished for our choices and lifestyle. Prohibition doesn't work, folks. We learned this once less than 100 years ago, and yet here we go again. Let me tell ye this, all ye screamers of JEL, the Democratic Party, and all other members of the Hitler Youth out there trying to tell me how to live my life: fuck off. It's not your business or the government's business to tell me how to live my life. It's even made funny by the fact that all of you are willing to sacrifice those working in casinos to what you claim causes cancer in the name of revenues. Don't piss off big gambling, because then we lose the revenue the state makes from the backs of their own poor and elderly. Go smoke in your casino, lose your pension checks. We don't care about what you do in there as long as you continue to lose your money in the name of the state and the monster Casino that drags at you in a way so much worse than the cigarette that you draw upon to ease your boredom and the pain of your daily existence. The state approves of this.

The hypocrisy of state moves ever onward.

smoking, february

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