Feb 02, 2006 00:02
I hate it when I discover a really great band more than a year after they have become famous. I like it when I discover bands or movies before everyone else (as is the case with Napoleon Dynamite which, believe it or not, Anne and I saw the day it was released in LA and NY, way before anyone had even heard about it).
Today I just discovered The Arcade Fire or Arcade Fire, whichever it is. Well, sure I had heard of them long before and I was actually at Coachella when they played, but had never really heard them. I am just now kicking myself in the ass for not knowing about them when I was at Coachella. I forget which band we opted to see instead, but I am bummed right now because they are a great band. After illegally pirating (as opposed to legally pirating) 5 or 6 of their songs off the internet, I am convinced I should have been listening to them long before this day.
This also happened with the very first Strokes album entitled, "Is This It?". The album was originally released in late 2001, but I did not hear about them until their single, "Last Nite" played on the radio around Summer 2002. I'm not gonna lie, I hated that song and still partially do. Then in either late 2002 or early 2003, I bought that Strokes album and loved it. That album did not leave my CD player for at least two months, maybe more. By that time, everyone had heard of the Strokes and they were considered to be the revitalization of good old genuine Rock 'n Roll. Everybody knew about them.
Why does this bother me, you ask? I'm not quite sure either, but I know it makes me feel out of the musical loop. So after that Strokes album I made it one of my goals to research bands by reading music magazines and finding out about great bands before anyone else. Obviously because that is the cool thing to do. Then it got old because I would buy CDs that came highly recommended by, say SPIN, or perhaps Rolling Stone, and I would be disappointed. It seemed that music publications did not have the same tastes as me. It took me awhile to figure this out. So I stopped buying magazines and listening to the radio (which I never did very often anyway because the radio is fucking shit) and I would sample bands online via Kazaa or Ares. I stopped buying CDs for the most part as well.
Now, after I bought the third Strokes album, entitled "First Impressions of Earth", the most recent addition to my musical collection and only album I have purchased in at least 6 months, I feel the need to buy another great CD; The Arcade Fire. And even though I didn't discover them before everyone else, about two years after everyone else, I'm still gonna enjoy 'em just as much as that Strokes album. Man, my life is getting cyclical. Scary.