Mar 04, 2005 20:44
Well, my third possible rooming arrangement fell through today. LOL. I got to Theory and found out that Joanne and I differ greatly when it comes to bedtimes. She usually stays up 'til 1:00 with her friends. I just wouldn't be able to deal with that. So we mutually decided to give up on that.
I'm actually quite glad. Rooming with Joanne woulda been fun, but I think that I have a pretty good chance at getting a single room, and that thrills me. I called the Residence Life office today, and I was told that in the past, girls in the D lottery have been able to get single rooms...not necessarily in Kilgour, but single rooms. I would hate to leave Kilgour, but I'd be willing to live in Steele or Swarthout if that's the only way I can get a single room. I'm definitely not living in either of the Bergs, though. They have a reputation for being pretty crazy and they're relatively far away from the school buildings.