
May 24, 2005 22:31

i am in SUCH a good place right now.

oh and i'm officially not doing a sorority. love me hardin house, just love me.

oh wait...i'm dating an athiest. oh well. i'll work that out later.

he's making me a mix cd.

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lover_dont_love May 24 2005, 20:41:50 UTC
so youre dating this robert guy now.. like officially?

p.s. i cant believe you considered a sorority.
icky grosssssssso.

k bye ms. graduate shmaduate.


quiet_is_hard May 24 2005, 20:47:56 UTC
wellllll in his book i think we're dating. in my book i just don't know how i feel about the whole thing. so we'll see.

i think he actually likes me so weird. neat i guess.

yeah i don't know how im gonna tell the mom about the no sorority thing.


lover_dont_love May 25 2005, 04:48:21 UTC
be like "puta huey im straight edge hxc"


lover_dont_love May 25 2005, 04:49:00 UTC
hxc means hardcore christian

im really gay


quiet_is_hard May 25 2005, 09:17:25 UTC
heeee heeee. har har. that was neat. yeah i let em know. and he kissed me on the head and said he still likes me. sooo i think it cool mun. yessssah.


hey_jealousy May 25 2005, 12:31:43 UTC
is that how you spell way?


nor_thumb_ria May 25 2005, 09:30:17 UTC
i bet you he reads this and's like WHOTTTTTTTTTT THE FOCKKKKKKK EMM KAYYYYYYYY, anyyyyyyyway, who the hell is this guy

where did you meet him


nor_thumb_ria May 25 2005, 09:44:21 UTC
oh i remember, work


quiet_is_hard May 25 2005, 12:44:07 UTC
prolly. hahah oh well.


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