icon batch #34

Feb 14, 2011 12:39

Made for round 3 of iconfest

[09] TV Shows (Doctor Who, White Collar, Castle)
[07] Actresses/Actors (Billie Piper, Julia Stiles, Richard Ayoade)
[03] Movie (The King's Speech)
[01] Singer (P!nk)
[03] Stock (music)


doctor who

white collar


billie piper

julia stiles

richard ayoade

the king's speech


stock - music

How to Credit:

- Resources
-No hotlinking, please!
-Textless icons are not bases
-Please credit quiet_ingenue if taking anything
-Comments are always welcome :)

actress: billie piper, tv: doctor who, graphics: icons, stock: music, actress: julia stiles, tv: castle, movie: the king's speech, actor: richard ayoade, singer: p!nk, tv: white collar

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