Jun 21, 2008 14:16

Exams... are.... OVER!!!!

Well well! No more exams, no more revision, no school stuff ever again! [I lie, for a start I have an induction day on monday and then 2 more years of secondary school education.. but no more compulsory education ok??]

It all ended yesterday morning when I had my last science exam (was dead easy, who'dve thunk it?! ^^), and then my celebrations included being on the internet allll day and watching a korean drama. How sad am I lol? Everyone was busy going on holiday and what not so we couldn't do anything to celebrate properly :( However, I've got some peoples coming round this afternoon to talk about our majorly cool and wonderful holiday we're going on in a few weeks... So s'all good!

Anywaysss, the main reasons for posting now is as follows:
1. First, to thank allllll the long-suffering people who have consoled me when I was stressing over the damn exams.... especially drama since methinks I have done myself permenant damage over it lol.
2. To say since I was watching that korean drama allll yesterday, I didn't go on lj once and thus have a lot of backtracking to do to read and comment on all your wonderful fics. So bear with me on that front! Oo if theres ones in particular I must read now, comment with links and I'll be more than happy to oblige.. would save me time backtracking too :)
3. To recieve your congratulations. Yes, I like comments, especially positive ones, and it'd help keep this 'ITS OVER!' feeling going and encourage me to fulfil all the promises to do things after exams that I made XD

Hope all is well with you guys, muchly love lovessss

exams over

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