Late memessssss

Jul 17, 2009 13:23


What these words mean to me:

DBSK - aww well, what can I say. Fundamentally, they are brilliant singers and dancers and are freaking good at what they do. On another level, they're just soooo lovely! Adorable, one might say :D They maketh me smile, and therefore deserve all the success they get, as well as my much coveted praise XD

Alex - ah. The voice. Just, love it. Vintage Romance FTW ^^

Internet - my lifeline. I'm on here too much :/ I swear tho, if I had a bicycle-powered laptop, I would be able to exercise and then it would not be so bad :P No but really, there are some lovely people to be found using the net, so I think I am quite justified in hanging around in order to communicate and share stuff with them :)

My icon - hahahahaha. Almost no one gets what it is. Lemme tell the story, though I imagine a fair few of you know about this by now. When I first got my phone (a few years ago now :S) I was messing around with functions and the camera. And I took that picture, and liked it: its my curtain :D The curtains are actually blue with various colours of stars on them so... yeah. Are you guys bored of it? Should I get a new icon?

Exams - they're overrrrr. For now. Just did my AS exams see, results day is like the 20th of August :S Scary potatoes. Oh well, a whole load of A Levels next year T_T

I hope that'll doooo?And this one~, fill it out peoplessss:

1. Your Middle Name: Leonie

2. Age: 17

3. Single or Taken: Single

4. Favorite Movie: Ummm... I don't have one, I like lots of things :D

5. Favorite Song or Album: Umm, again, not so much one for favourites...

6. Favorite Band/Artist See above...

7. Dirty or Clean: Excuse me? If you're talking about me, I'm clean XD Particularly with the torrentual rain today!

8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: Ears, nufink else. My sister has like ten tho O_O

9. Do we know each other outside of LJ? Unfortunately not, u is far awayyy

10. What's your philosophy on life? Observe THEN, and only then, act (wow. i came up with that on the spot XD)

11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? Half empty. Go fill it.

12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? Of course. Nothing important though, and who am I to judge anyway

13. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? Erm... LJ? XD

14. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I am a twin. Is that interesting enough??

15. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they? More wishes. I know its against the rules, but it'd take me soooo long to decide. Reading minds at will would be cool though. In fact, all of these things would have to be so specific cos I can't stand all these loopholes/flaws in things...

16. Can we get together and make a cake? YES. Cake and I get on most splendidly

17. Which country is your spiritual home? Spiritual?? I like to think nowhere, I'm quite the explorer XD Ehem.

18. What is your big weakness? My own rationality

19. Do you think I'm a good person? Fosho ^^

20. What was your best/favorite subject at school? English/psychology. Decisions decisions...

21. Describe your accent: Queen's english, a'thankyouuu... Nah, I mix it up, I'm strange like that (and irritating, apparently)

22. If you could change anything about me, would you? Only with your permission XD I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I imagine we could come to some kind of agreement lol

23. What do you wear to sleep? PJs, wooo

24. Trousers or skirts? TROUSERS.

25. Cigarettes or alcohol? Neither?! Although a little alcohol is sposed to be good for u...

26. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!) Stalk DBSK. If we got caught, your terminality would get us off the hook :D Oh, and maybe that cake making mentioned earlier, a last meal is essential!

27. Will you repost this so I can fill it out for you? SurenessP.s. I think the bold thing wont work....:S

school's out, meme

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