You know what I love? Oh yeah -- the
hpgw_ficafest!! I've read so many great stories today, and this round isn't even over! Here are some of my favorites:
Phoenix Rising by
wacked_outThis is so beautiful and symbolic! It takes place at the destruction of the Hogwarts castle, with fire and rubble and destruction, but it's still very romantic... and a little bit racy, too! Can't believe I read that, LOL. It might be the beginning of a lot of new reading for little ol me.
Methods of Operation by the fabulous
eimajunknownGinny thinks Harry is cheating on her, and decides to do something about her... only trouble is, she's wrong!
Ten Steps to a Happier, More Fulfilling Life by
r_beccaFunny and cute with an awesome twist -- the story goes backward!
And you know how much I love art...
Home, Waiting by
This one is actually 5 pictures in a row that tell a story -- when Harry comes home late one night. So pretty!