Medea: Part 11

Jul 30, 2009 10:01

I'll just say this is not safe for work. The plot will go on in 12.
It'll stay here for a bit before moving to I'd love to get some feedback to make sure I got the naughty bits believable...since I have no experience to base it on and porn isn't exactly the best reference as the bulk of them are extremely degrading to women.

The wiry body of the Wraith forces Jennifer to step backwards, not once did he touch her. The sheer presence moves her back until her legs bump against the bed. Fur tickles her bare skin and his hands finally graze her shoulders.

Downwards the hands go, freeing the towel from the body it hid. The silken fabric slithers down the woman’s curves, settling on the floor in a fluid heap. “Todd,” Jennifer says, beginning to doubt her decision. Can I really do this to Rodney? she asks herself.

Todd’s hands pause to rest on her hips at the utterance of his human label. His fingers press against the warm skin, claw tips sinking in to indent the flesh but not cause it to tear. “What is it?” he asks, the dual tones rolling to end in a baritone purr.

“Just,” Jennifer hesitates. This will destroy Rodney…if he finds out. “Nothing,” she says at last, tentatively lifting her hand to place it on his leather clad chest.

A rumbling in his throat seems to be the only reply or acknowledgement she would receive at the moment. Jennifer closes her eyes as his mouth moves over her neck, the Wraith’s tongue sliding wetly down the lightly tanned column.  It caused her stomach to churn in a way no one had been able to do. Was this what butterflies feel like, she wonders as an unexpected moan escapes her.

The hands leave her hips, moving upwards to unfasten his coat. As the Wraith nips at the tender skin just under Jennifer’s jaw, he shrugs the heavy leather garment to the floor. It lands with an audible thump.

Straightening, through teasing her for now, Todd scrutinizes his potential bed partner. The woman, like many human females, bore wide hips and heavy breasts where the Queens he has served had not. The fur that was supposed to conceal her genitals was cropped short over the pubic mound and from what he could tell, removed from the lips completely. A shame really, as it did so enhance the heady arousal pheromone human females gave off.

The soft shape of her was certainly appealing. Jennifer’s cheeks were tinged with red, her open emotions easily readable: arousal and embarrassment. Unsure of the cause of the latter, the Wraith tilts his head.

To his surprise, the woman takes the bottom of his black tunic, lifting it. Todd bows forward to allow her to pull it from him without stretching upwards. Jennifer’s hands roam his torso as if she had never laid eyes on it before. The examination she had performed several months ago had been awkward; behind the mask of professionalism was a nervousness he could not place with fear.

Blunt fingertips play over a fresh scar gained from an audience with a rival faction’s Queen. Her knife had moved quickly, his however did far greater damage. The loss of several jeweled fingers would be remembered.

Jennifer’s exploration stops just above the waistline of his trousers, hesitant of the inevitable. With a deep chortle, Todd steps out of his boots, his narrow feet slipping through the neck easily. Where she was shy, he most unquestionably was not. Unlacing the fastening of the leather breeches for her, Todd lets them fall to the floor, kicking them with one leg off to the side.

Jennifer bites her lower lip as the complete reality of what will happen crashes down upon her. This was going to happen, she of all people, was willingly going to have sex with a Wraith. Not a Wraith they would probably never see again, but Todd, Todd who enjoyed visits to Atlantis and Earth (despite the fact that she knew he hated San Francisco).

The clawed fingers of his left hand, the hand free of the serrated tipped ring of the right, brush over the loose, short curls over her mound. I’m going to hate myself. Jennifer gasps as the chipped claws slip between her lips, finding the hot warmth of her very unmistakable arousal.

That she did not have a vestigial ovipositor did not seem to deter him in the slightest and Jennifer idly wonders how many human females he has done this very same thing to. His thumb brushes over her clit, drawing her to press her hips closer to that hand. In doing so, the Wraith slips his index finger into the tight depths while the hand Jennifer found so dangerous glides up her back. The metal was cool and sharp as it moves so close to her spine.

The middle finger soon joins the first once the Wraith feels she has grown accustomed to the intrusion. Content with watching her; lips slightly parted, eyes half lidded, panting as her hips try to bring his fingers far further than the webbing between them could allow.

If he brought the woman to climax before coupling the act would take far too long for his liking. Withdrawing the fingers, slick, the fluid threading between them as he takes her hips to guide her back onto the bed, and with lust clouding her judgment, Jennifer did not complain.

Rodney has never put in this much effort to please her, asking nothing in return. Jennifer lies back, enjoying the warm fur that gives way under her back as she moves to the center of the bed. Claws trail up her legs while the Wraith joins her on the bed.

Unconsciously, Jennifer parts her legs. It seemed the right thing to do and that wonderful tongue that tortured her neck earlier brushes only once over her slit, hot and electric, before her vision is obscured by his neck and chest.

Not once has he kissed her, though it didn’t matter at the moment as he worries every sensitive spot on her neck. Jennifer runs her hands over his shoulders, finger tips brush over the raised spinal ridges, smooth and solid. I should stop this, the little rational part of her mind warns her.

The thought was quashed as quickly as it came to her. The Wraith ensnares her mouth, sharp teeth rake over her lips, and click against her blunt, recently whitened ones. Jennifer’s tongue dares to slip past those dangerous points, greeting the Wraith’s. The gray blue tongue with it’s pink tinge slithers along her’s, his breath comes in deep, warm blasts over her cheek until Todd pulls free of the kiss, nipping lightly at her upper lip as he does so.

Her stomach felt as if it was coiling in on itself.  Arousal and lust were not an expression she had ever considered seeing a Wraith convey. His nostrils were flared wide, not from exhaustion but from taking every scent in. Jennifer recognizes the pits on either side of the Wraith’s face were heat sensors, but she wonders if they were able to taste the air in the same manner as snakes.

Reaching up, Jennifer draws her fingers over Todd’s sharp cheekbones. The heavy, tapering evidence of his arousal presses against her, sliding upwards in such a way that it brushes her clit, sending a shiver that tightens the coil in her belly.

The bed sinks on her left as Todd shifts his weight to that arm, reaching back to better guide himself in. Unlike with Rodney, the length slips inside with little resistance as the pointed tip widens, filling her until he can go no further. Jennifer’s leg curls against his, further parting her legs, relaxing her muscles.

Without pause, Todd pulls back, angling his hip to thrust in an upward motion. Jennifer’s other leg curls around to join the other, pulling herself closer with each fluid thrust. Sharp teeth obscure her vision as hot breath rolls over her face. His kiss was sweet with a scraping hint of those dark points.

Claws rake down her side with little regard of breaking the skin under them. She arcs, ribs touching his chest. Her own nails, pitifully blunt and soft scratch harmlessly down his shoulders, over old scars and tattoos.

The claws felt close to drawing blood, painful and biting. Todd reaches back and pushes her legs by the knees nearly to her shoulders. The Wraith’s beard brushes over her nose and temples allowing her full view of his long neck. Tentative fingers reach out and touch the neck as if an offering, playing over the smooth, wet, hot skin.

Something odd, slithering and very alien joins the now shallow thrusts. Jennifer squirms, pressing upwards to capture it, bring it deeper, closer to that one spot. Todd angles his hips once more, back bowing and shoulder blades shifting under her hands. There. Again and against; she cries out in utter rapture.

His tongue slides over her throat. The proximity fills her nostrils with the heavy scent of wet dirt and dead leaves. Jennifer’s hands tangle in his haphazardly matted hair. Gasping, she whispers the only name she knows him by as the pressure releases in blissful throbs, tightening around him, around that strange bit.

Jennifer knew the way a Wraith’s genitals worked. The head would widen and out would slither a pointed, tongue like appendage (of which they had not decided a term for). A Wraith female’s cervix was more giving than a human’s, and Jennifer, with Carson had suspected that was how multiple children were insured. That thing would slip up inside the cervix and the sperm releases directly into the female’s spermathoca. Lacking the sperm storing organ, Jennifer was spared what she thought would be a terrible experience.

Feeling more than hearing Todd’s growl, his hips buck, slamming against her with an audible whack. The Wraith ignores the cry of pain and surprise from his partner as the first ejaculation shudders through him.

After a span of three minutes, Jennifer feels Todd slide free from her. She meets his eyes, pupils dilated, engulfing the green gold irises. Unable to find anything to say, as ‘thank you’ sounded like a stupid thing to say to him after the strangest but most enjoyable sex she ever had. Settling for a smile, she leans up and kisses him, long since used to the foulness of his breath.

Unless Rodney burst through the door at this moment, as Todd pulls an obviously pilfered quilt over them both, he would never know. Everything could be normal when they were brought back to Atlantis. At least Jennifer hopes that this would be the case.

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