My inbox after 24 hours of no internet:
Yeah...crying right now ;;__;;
My day:
1. Read
A Million Suns by Beth Revis. OMG SOOOOO GOOD. I want to keep reading it so bad and screw my homework!
2. Educated my friends and peers about SOPA and PIPA. While so many people asked what the effectiveness of me going internet-free for 24 was, I said that it gave me the chance to stand up for what I believed in. And while striking, I was able to educate and make people aware of what is going on. The effectiveness of silent protest is so liberating. I could not be any happier right now.
3. Learned how to sew so that I can construct my messenger bag and three prototypes of accessories to go with it. I'll post my final finished products later!
4. Had a lovely dinner with my friend, Caroline.
5. Caroline and I made it to the second round of a design challenge, and got $250! We received a special "shout out" from the judges on our design and said that ours was amazing in a mass email :3 We have another iteration due this coming Wednesday, and I hope we make it to the next round!
6. Finally figured out what my start-up will be. I will be pitching it tomorrow during the first class session! Excited!
I've never been more excited to talk and participate about this movement against SOPA and PIPA.
Last, but not least, in less than 12 hours, we were able to get 30 people to participate in the 12-24 blackout! I couldn't be prouder of you guys for taking action and standing up for this cause. MANY MANY MANY special thanks goes out to
noted for starting this rally and getting us all on board!!
notedquiescentmusikurterzsebetend1esslynicolle_016pointblankdarcygoddess_of_iceburningxhopegringottsfrickkonastickhbicssinglemomsummersickle_girlaccountingwitchivory88skitrinlumollivandersbubblylos_yorkdragongirl3745gryffinwhoresurmiseariaketheonlyone_05an_ardent_rainneonhoperabidmunkeeseserakh @ellyce_valmont YOU GUYS FUCKING ROCK!
How did everyone's day go???? TELL ME!