Title: Wouldn't Be The First Time Love Made A Fool Of Me
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, one-sided Arthur/Gwen
Summary: "I've looked into my heart. It's not me Arthur truly loves."
Rating: G
Warning(s): Spoilers for 2x10
Word Count: 135
Disclaimer: I'm just taking BBC's toys to play in my sandbox for a while.
Gwen's smile breaks Merlin's heart.
"No, Merlin." she whispers, shaking her head. Her hair is swaying back and forth in a way that reminds Merlin of the curtains in Arthur's room when he accidentally leaves the window open on particularly windy days. "He doesn't love me."
"Merlin, I know." Merlin wishes that Gwen would stop smiling. It makes her look more beautiful than any flower he's ever seen but at the same time it makes him want to put his arms around her and cry her tears for her, to take all her pain away and throw it into the lake where no one can get to it ever again. "I've looked into my heart. It's not me Arthur truly loves."
Merlin doesn't know what to think. "Then who?"
Gwen looks down. "It's you."