
Apr 05, 2009 15:26

I've been watching the community for a little while now and I've just really enjoyed the fan fics and icons and everything! This is a fun community and I hope to add to the fan fics soon. I was wondering though, I've been out of the comic scene for a while now and where I live, well, comics are kind of hard to come by. I've looked on the internet at different sites for Harley and Riddler but none of them mention them together. So my question is: is the pairing canon to the comics/books/etc. or is this a non-canon pairing? If it is canon, where would I be able to find those story lines?

Either way, I love the pairing! Riddler has always been my favorite and the thought of him and Harley...well, it just makes me all squishy inside. :-)


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