Title: Memories of Morning
Author: Quiddity Green
Fandom: Popular
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Popular and respective characters do not belong to me. Wah wah.
A/N: See what you people have done to me? I am sooo pathetic.
Summary: It was that moment.
It was that moment. Early each morning, the alarm would sound and Brooke would draw in a deep breath and stretch her heavy muscles. Yawning freely and arching her back from the bed. Long, slender arms would stretch along side her neck before coming to rest. Draping herself over her lover's warm body.
She breathed. Sam would never tire of being in that moment. It was that moment that Sam could have easily missed. The night of the accident was forever printed in her mind, scarring. But now she had new memories, better ones. Memories of morning; not of mourning.