Nov 07, 2007 18:16
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” - Romans 12:1
Because all things are of and through and to Him in order to bring Him glory, so should we also live to bring Him glory. Only by His mercies can we do this. Without His redeeming love and imputed righteousness, our sacrifices are blemished and unacceptable to Him. But as His adopted children, as co-heirs with Christ, as those who are in Christ and who cannot be condemned, as more than conquerors, and branches grafted into the tree of the holy people, as those who cannot be separated from the love of Christ, we are allowed the privilege of giving our lives to Him on the altar. We shall give our bodies for that for which they were created- to bring glory to our Holy Father. We shall live our lives in submission to Him, daily laying down our lives before Him as we take up our crosses and follow Christ. This is the only logical thing to do- the only sensible act of worship to a God who already offered up the ultimate sacrifice, and who, by it, made a way for us so that rather than die as unacceptable sacrifices, we live as holy sacrifices dedicated to and bought by Him. Amen.
Please don't push me away.