Hi All!
This weekend was full, no? So much to do, this first weekend of June!
1. Went out for the monthly International Dinner Club on Friday, to Cardone's, a hole-in-the-wall Italian place. Everyone else's food was wonderful, but mine was awful. :( Puttanesca with no anchovies, or spice != puttanesca, dammit! But there was wine, so, I drank my dinner. So much for carb-loading.
2. Then we went for karaoke. Good times.
3. Saturday I helped a friend move, went to the grocery, cleaned, etc. etc. Why I inevitably feel the need to landscape a place I'll be leaving soon is beyond me, but I planted 3 pepper plants, and will be putting in a dwarf lilac bush and a small rosebush tomorrow.
4. Sorry,
madlori, I was busy with #3 and didn't make your reading. :( I did get to the Hop later to check out the hipster boys a photography exhibit a friend of a friend had up in one of the galleries. Very creative, that one.
Can I say - if you have a kid and you can't a) put them in a sling or b) carry them, GET A BABYSITTER FOR THE HOP. You also have no cause to get pissy because the other 40 people on the sidewalk won't move into a heavily-trafficked street so you can roll your huge-ass double stroller against the flow of pedestrians. I have zero against this practice at, say, a fair or a shopping mall, any other time really. But on Gallery Hop Saturday? GTFO.
I did get to carb-load with some nummy Greek food (vegetarian dolmathekes, hummus, and falafel - yeah, all of that!) before heading home, finally. *rubs belly*
5. Today -
Today was the Columbus 10K, which was based at COSI and routed through Vic Village and Harrison West. I've been working on my speed a little bit, doing tempo runs and some high-intensity intervals with the express purpose of shaving off some time. My goal was 1:04:00.
I crossed the finish line in exactly 58:00:00. \o/
My mp3 player pooped out on me 1 minute before start time, so I trashed it. I buy super-cheap ones because I break them, they get lost, etc. This one was corroded on the battery terminals (from the rose-water that comes out of my pores). It was okay, though - I didn't miss the tunes all that much. Plus, it was VERY amusing to hear the other runners cursing and muttering (see below).
I thought we would be running along Olentangy River Road (no clue why I thought that), but no, we routed onto the bike path to Downtown at 3rd Avenue. That part of the path is a series of rolling hills into downtown. EIGHT of them. AHAHAHAHA *dead* However, I am strong on hills and powered through on sheer grit. My blood sugar tanked at the 5.5 mile mark, but I talked to myself, promising a big banana and a nice cold bottle of water if my muscles would just give it a little more, just a little more, just around Vets' Memorial, just under the bridge, just...
Crossing the finish line was like the biggest relief EVER.
Then I looked UP at the food tables - the finish line was on the river, and the food? On the ramp right in front of the COSI building. Up the stairs. I think I might have cried a little, mounting the first step. LOL.
I got 1/2 a banana, 1/2 an apple, an orange slice, and looked around for the water. Hm. Water? Water? No water!? Oh, water - orange barrels of warm tap water. XP By no means am I snotty about my water, but 4 oz. of warm water was woefully spare for 6.2 miles of run.
Spent about 15 minutes cheering on the folks hitting the last 1/10th of a mile, then went home to DIE.
My legs are threatening me with things that they've never told me before. I will certainly be doing yoga tomorrow lunchtime, and skipping my after-work gym class - I think lifting will be the extent of my exertion.
6. Learned a lesson about GPS systems - they suck. Mr K had his boss' in his car, so we plugged in the coordinates for my nephew's grad party location (a township house in the boonies). Damned if that thing didn't take us 30 minutes out of our way. And I *knew* which road this building was on, but I wasn't 100% - the roads there are all names of the villages they connect, and there are 3 roads with "Circleville" in the name over there. Never again! (Now I know why my sister calls her GPS "the bitch.")
7. We did get there, in time, to celebrate my nephew's high school graduation. Yay! He's going to barber school in the fall, and has a summer job lined up. I love that kid, he's the best!
8. Now I am le tired. I would like to devote some time to reading True Blood fanfic, or ogling sexy mens, but it ain't gonna happen. May get pics uploaded to FB & MS, but that's 'bout it.
Have a great week, everyone! :-)