OOC: DDD: Meme Kids!

Dec 15, 2010 05:31

A. Rebecca Potter
B. She lives with Suze most of the time, but gets to see James whenever she wants
C. This girl right here.
D. Virus! XD
E. She prefers Rebecca over Becky.
She loves magic and gets to go to Hogwarts.
Her animagus is a elephant!

A. Alice Potter-Black
B. Lives with James but Sirius sees her just as often.
C. This girl right here.
D. Someone got genderswapped!
E. Worse than the Weasley twins combined
Tends to “borrow” the invisibility cloak after a prank
Loves her double-barrelled name!

James/Severus (FOR A FRIEND)
A. Aquila Potter-Snape
B. They all live in one house as one big happy family!
C. This boy right here.
D. Magic? They are wizards!
E. He's great at Quidditch and Potions by default but also Astronomy.
He has a brilliant memory. It's almost perfect.
He has a small stutter when nervous which sometimes causes his spells to go wrong.

who: james, comm: ddd, who: snivellus/snape, what: meme, who: sirius, *ooc, who: suze, comm: other

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