DDD: OOC: Hogwarts Virus AU Info

Sep 07, 2009 01:31

Name: James Potter
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Professor of: Flying
Affiliations: Gryffindor, Dumbledore

History: Born ten years earlier than in canon, James arrived at Hogwarts and was still sorted into Gryffindor. He became best friends with one of the other boys in his dorm, mainly due to have glasses in common, and nicknamed him The Doctor due to his…well they never really remembered why.

He excelled in almost every subject, trying to master the art of the animagus while still at school. After Hogwarts, he tried out for a few Quidditch teams but eventually came back to take up the post of Quidditch Professor.

He is now a registered stag by the name of Prongs and loves to spend the night times roaming the Forbidden Forest, with the reasoning of catching students.

who: james, comm: ddd, where: hogwarts, *ooc, who: older!james, virus: hogwarts, who: prongs

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