*gasp* She speaks!

Oct 06, 2004 23:10

Albus had a quiet word with me in the staffroom about this journal. Apparently I haven't updated in several weeks. Ooops. I'm so ashamed. No, really.

Still, I'm sure you're all dying to hear what's new in my life. After all, I am such a fountain of excitement, aren't I? ... Shut up, Severus.

Well, Quidditch season is upon us. Hurrah! We have some wonderful, talented new captains.... and I must say I'm simply dying to see the fireworks in the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin match. I believe all the spots have been filled now, so congratulations everyone! I expect to see some quality Quidditch in the weeks to come. But children, please remember, no biting.

Little else is new, though. The castle has been rather lacking in excitement, lately. I suppose it's an improvement...


Speaking of everyone's favourite grizzly greasy Potions master (unless you know of another, in which case I'm sure they would win), I'm starting to wonder if someone has been lacing his food with some sort of Niceness potion. Although the only person I could think of who might be dastardly enough to do something like that would be... well, Severus. Still, he invited the staff round for absinthe the other night, and was almost... friendly. Well, if 'friendly' can be translated as 'moody and surly'. But considering he's usually snarly and vaguely homicidal, it made quite a change. Perhaps he's mellowing in his old, old, old, ooooold age.

Locked to Staff

Sev, any of that absinthe left over? I think the staff are looking thirsty again... ~smirk~
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