Hello y'all!
Well, this year's QuickyBang is already buzzing \o/ There's a whole bunch of fics on offer and claims are on the way; we even have art up in the first week, go check it out!
Authors, you can submit short fics all through March;
Artists, you have until April to work on art.
Wanna join in ? Here's a list of the great visuals you can grab to play with!
I will keep this list up to date, last edit April 11, 23:52 CET. The short descriptions link to more info about the fic and author:
Sam giving Dean a massage - CLAIMED & ART is UP!Sam tied to a support beam, Dean as a vampire - CLAIMED & ART is UP!Jared finding a strange egg, Dragon!Jensen - CLAIMED & ART is UP! *\o/*Sam doing an Excorcism, Dean as a Priest - CLAIMED! Go Artist *\o/*Timetravel & MPreg; a young Dean and broken Sam - - CLAIMED! Go Artist *\o/* Dragon Jensen & Elf JaredJensen playing guitar, Jared watching - CLAIMED & ART is UP! J2 sexy times in trailer on set...J2 as cupids - CLAIMED & ART is UP! Cas & Sam driving, Human form Impala, Dean on shooting rangevulture-bat things circling above a fire, yellow-eyed Sam, crossroads demon Bela - CLAIMED! Go Artist *\o/*Dean near fires, setting fires, talking to fire - CLAIMED! Go Artist *\o/*Dean snaps pictures of Sam sleeping, Sam/Dean in the Impala & in a motel - CLAIMED & ART is UP!Domestic Winchesters in a cozy cabin by the lake - CLAIMED & ART is UP!See a fic you want to create something for? Get in touch with the author to claim, set your own schedule and start arting!
Browse through all the fics on offer here |
SUBMIT your fic