Artmasterlist Quickies 2019 Round 1!

Jun 02, 2019 22:33

Ahw, another round of the quicky_bang comes to an end. I've only managed to lure in a few artists this time and will have to contemplate how to proceed with promotions in the next round. Despite reaching out on all platforms and retweets of big fandom accounts, it seems a lot of artists are hesitant to come over to LiveJournal to play. So all the kudos for the brave few who did get creative over here, go give them some love!

Ratings apply to the art and the characters mentioned are the ones that are visible in the artwork; there's more info about the content of the fics in the artposts.

Artwork for:
Little Helper
Artist: beelikej
Medium: papercutting
Characters: Sam
Rating: R

Artwork for:
Peace for the Soul (1)
Artist: tx_devilorangel
Medium: digital photo-art
Characters: Sam & Dean
Rating: G

Artwork for:
Peace for the Soul (2)
Artist: tx_devilorangel
Medium: digital photo-art
Characters: Sam
Rating: G

Artwork for:
trees are their roots and wind is wind
Artist: blindswandive
Medium: digital drawing
Characters: Sam/Dean
Rating: R

Artwork for:
Artist: beelikej
Medium: papercutting & paint
Characters: Mary Winchester, Azazel, Weechesters
Rating: PG

Also a big thanks to all the authors that offered up their short stories in this round. As usual, the unclaimed fics will be put in a hat for the next MatchMakers Challenge, which will be at the end of the year. (You can opt-out of that, mail me at

I do want to organize another round of the regular Quicky_Bang in the autumn, if you have any suggestions for improvements, leave a comment below!
(Also let me know if there are any typos, inappropriate ratings or missing links)

Until next time:)


artmasterlist, quicky apr2019, mod, artwork

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