Art for how does your garden grow

Nov 06, 2016 22:41

Artpost for majestic_duxk's story "How Does Your Garden Grow"
Artist: fridayblues
Story snippet: “Dean! Dean!”

Dean came running from the house, gun at his side. Only to stop short. Sam was on his knees in front of the tiniest little plants he’d ever seen. Putting on the safety, he tucked the gun into the back of his pants. Sammy didn’t need to see that in his little slice of paradise. Still, he looked around suspiciously. Just in case.

“Whatcha got, Sammy?”

Sam turned to face Dean, a reverent smile on his face. “Look at them, Dean! These are bean sprouts.”

Link to story: AO3
Link to art: livejournal / Tumblr

(Go here for the bigger version & notes)

quicky oct2016, character: sam, artwork, character: dean, medium: digital drawing

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