Jan 30, 2007 09:21
It normally only takes me about 45 minutes to drive here in the mornings. Guess how long it took me today?
No, go on, guess.
If you guessed TWO HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES, then you win the prize of the day: my sarcastic smile.
And why were I-95 and I-395 SO backed up that I was so late to my morning class that I didn't even bother showing my face in the classroom?
Oh, and to make matters worse, here is how accident prone I was this weekend:
•I banged my bad knee when I was getting into the shower and now it's a black sort of purple.
•I tripped TWICE going up the stairs and bruised the tip of my ring finger and DOUBLE-stubbed the same goddamn toe.
•I was playing tug with my dog last night and he pulled me backwards OVER THE SOFA and onto the hard floor in my basement--I bruised my opposite knee and hit my head so hard that I saw stars.
•And this morning I punched the roof of my car when the fiftieth guy cut me off (with NO SIGNAL) trying to get onto the FAR left lane. I feel like my knuckles should be bleeding.
Today is going to suck.
washington d.c. traffic