Update and New Fanfic Community

Aug 15, 2013 01:44

I've decided that I will be making this journal "friends only" in a few days. Since I have so much fanfic posted here, I've created a new community to host it all.


So, go follow that community if you want to stay up to date with my fics. I'll be posting new chapters for Two Against the World and Happenstance soon. And I'm working on new chapters for Yes, Virginia... too.

Unfortunately, that huge River/Jayne fic is staying on this journal. It was too much of an effort to move entries over to the community, so I loaded the PDF on Scribd and MediaFire. It doesn't really help that, in light of a certain actor's behavior, I've kind of lost interest in all things Firefly. Sure, I've got a tattoo of the Chinese for "serenity" on my back (just like the ship), but the fangirling has kind of died down.

For now, I'll get back to writing spitefics and stuff for The Walking Dead.

fanfic:misc, lj

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