Three Magic Words

Jul 12, 2013 22:53

Today, I posted four new shirt designs in my RedBubble store. I've been on a serious Evil Dead kick lately, and found some pretty cool tree branch brushes for Photoshop to go along with the font I've had on my computer since college. After finishing the designs, I started thinking about the sing-song taunt that Linda does in the first movie (and apparently the 2013 one, which I have not seen yet) and decided that I wanted to learn how to pick the tune on my ukulele. I worked something out, but it still doesn't sound quite right. I'll have to work on it some more.

I learn how to play songs by ear, because I can't read sheet music. I learned how to play some of "The Succession of Witches" by ear, and a few others. If, however, there exists sheet music for any of the music from Evil Dead, I'd love to see it. I can either learn how to read it or get my mom to tell me how. I just think it would be amusing to sit around an play Evil Dead music all day on a ukulele.

redbubble, movie:evil dead, art:graphic, /nerd, /i made this, music

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